Chapter 5

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From the second their mouths melted together neither fought any of the immediate urges that filled them. Damon leaned in closer letting his weight push Bonnie back down against the sofa. Bonnie willingly complied with his advances, and opened her legs to allow Damon to settle more comfortably against her. Damon made sure not to place all of his weight onto Bonnie and their child, so he rested his weight upon his left arm. Then he moved his right hand up and lifted the hem of the oversized shirt he had given her. He brushed his hand across her burgeoning belly, pausing a few seconds at feeling their baby pushing back against his touch. Finally he reached his goal stopping once he had a handful of Bonnie's supple breast, where he gently squeezed and pinched at her nipple. Bonnie moaned into his mouth as her body instinctively arched to get closer to his touching.

Damon pulled from the kiss with the intention of freeing Bonnie of the garment preventing him from feasting on her breasts. His vampire eyes locked with Bonnie's vampire eyes, and he released a pleased growl that she reciprocated. Damon then cast a feral smile down at Bonnie as she lifted up a little from her prone position to assist Damon with pulling the shirt from her frame. Once the shirt was tossed aside he dropped hungry eyes down upon her pink satin covered breasts. Damon wasted no time diving in and capturing Bonnie's satin covered breast in his mouth, causing Bonnie to arch up from the couch and moan loudly.

"Damon," She gasped out as she reached out and gripped his head, to hold him closer.

"Oh God, Bonnie, no!" Caroline's voice boomed within the room. Damon and Bonnie both turned to face the blonde vampire who stood just in the doorway. "You're under a spell remember? Under normal circumstances you would never, EVER have sex with Damon, and you," She pointed to Damon with a deep scowl on her face. "I am going to assume that you are being affected by the spell too, and not trying to take advantage of the situation. Does the name 'Elena' ring a bell? She's your girlfriend and your best friend, Bon," Elena's name had the same effect as a cold bucket of water. Both guilty parties quickly parted, Damon moved from Bonnie as he reached down and grasped the shirt she had been wearing and handed it to her. Bonnie hastily redressed as they both stood from the sofa. Bonnie made her way to the exit as Damon made a beeline to the bar to make himself several drinks. "What were you thinking young lady?" Caroline chastised as Bonnie passed her, and she followed her out.

The Next Morning

He awoke with a start and as if his body had a mind of its own, he trekked through the upstairs of the house until he stopped at the door of the bedroom given to Bonnie. He knocked slightly even as he opened the door. He was surprised to see the bed made and the room emptied. He took a moment to let his senses search for Bonnie and when he couldn't sense her anywhere in the house, he became nervous and concerned. He flashed down to the kitchen where he knew Stefan was. "Where's Bonnie?"

"She and Caroline went shopping," Stefan stated as he continued sipping at his breakfast. "Apparently, all the stuff they got yesterday wasn't enough. Honestly, I kind of got the feeling that neither of them wanted to be in the house, you got any idea why?" The younger Salvatore questioned as he quirked his eyebrows up while regarding his brother.

"What, vampire Barbie didn't tell you?" Damon grumbled out as he moved to fix himself a mug of blood.

"No, though I did ask her about it, and she told me to ask you. So, this is me asking you."

"Yesterday she walked in on me and Bonnie," This was all that Damon indulged, as he took a seat across the counter from his younger brother.

"Walked in on you two doing what?" Stefan asked with his face screwed up in genuine confusion. Damon simply tossed him an expression that explained all. "You're joking right? I mean I can see you doing that sure, but not Bonnie. Hooking up with her best friend's boyfriend is not something she'd ever do ... Well, not unless she was under some kind of spell. So, was it some residual mojo from before?" Damon simply shook his head no. "Ok, then what the hell did you do to her Damon?"

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