Chapter 6

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When Damon re-entered the kitchen alone Caroline noticed and she quickly went in search of Bonnie. Bonnie hadn't moved from her spot in the study, where she stood lovingly rubbing her hands across her very swollen belly. "Bonnie?" Caroline's voice filtered in from the corridor, and Bonnie quickly wiped away the tears that had fallen from her eyes as she thought about the child within her, her baby, 'their' baby. "There you are," Caroline said as she entered the room looking visibly relieved, but then that relief quickly turned to concern when she noticed her friend had been crying. "What's wrong?" She asked as she hurried over to where Bonnie stood. "What happened? Did Damon do someth..."

"No," Bonnie quickly interjected not wanting any further feuding between her two friends, knowing that it would only end up with one or both of them being badly hurt. "Damon didn't do anything except..."

"Except what?" Caroline probed readying to go tear into the older vampire.

"Except make me realize that I don't have to feel guilty or be sorry anymore," Bonnie began to explain but could tell by the look on Caroline's face that she didn't understand. "I want this baby baby. I want my baby," Bonnie announced as she smiled and fresh tears spilled from her eyes. "I love Elena but I love my baby more, and if I have to choose I choose Bella."

"Bella?" Caroline repeated slightly confused.

"Your goddaughter, Isabella Noel Bennett," Bonnie replied beaming with pride as she tapped her fingers against her belly. An excited smile spread across Caroline's face as well.

"Oh, that's so beautiful. I love it," Caroline cooed as she moved closer and rubbed her hands across Bonnie's belly.

"Salvatore!" Damon's voice boomed all the way from the kitchen. Both Bonnie and Caroline rolled their eyes and moved to comfortably sit on the sofa to continue their conversation.

"I'm proud of you Bonnie Bennett," Caroline started as she settled into the chair.

"For what?" Bonnie questioned as she tossed her friend a curious look.

"For finally putting your happiness first, it's long overdue and about time," Caroline replied.

"Thanks and this doesn't mean that I'm giving up on Elena," Bonnie assured and Caroline simply nodded her head, she hadn't thought for a second that Bonnie would. "I will find a way to undo Kai's sleeping beauty spell."

"I never doubted it for a minute, but..." Caroline trailed off a bit really not wanting to ruin her friend's motivation.

"What?" Bonnie asked in fascination.

"Have you thought about how you're going to handle things ... when Elena wakes up I mean, you know, with you having Damon's child and all?" The question was enough to cause all the fears and doubt Bonnie had initially had to come crashing back in on her. "You know Elena, she'll say she's okay with it but it's going to hurt her knowing that you and Damon actually conceived a child together, and it won't matter that it was because of some spell," Before Bonnie could allow herself to have a panic attack, a different fear gripped her as she sat staring at a vamped out Damon, who had a death grip around the necks of both Caroline and Stefan. He had both dangling in the air like they were ragdolls, but his death glare was locked solely onto Caroline's face. Bonnie wasn't fully sure of what had occurred. One second she was talking with Caroline and the next Damon had flashed into the room faster than she had ever seen before and grabbed Caroline. Then, Stefan flashed into the room, and Bonnie guessed it was with the intent to protect Caroline but he hadn't been fast enough, and Damon grabbed him up too.

"You know, you're really starting to piss me off Vampire Barbie," Damon growled out as his black menacing eyes glowered at Caroline, who was panic-stricken as she clawed at his hand as she tried to find release.

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