Chapter 3

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"All your magic, Merlin, and you can't save my life."

'I can. I'm not going to lose you."

"Just hold me. Please."

"There's something I want to say..."

"You're not going to say goodbye."

"Everything you've done, I know now. For me, for Camelot. For the kingdom you helped me build..."

"You'd have done it without me."

"Maybe. I want to say something I've never said to you before...Thank you."

"Arthur! No! Arthur! Arthur! Arthur! Arthur!" Arthur was shaking a shouting Merlin, looking panicked. As soon as Merlin realised he had been dreaming, he shuffled himself closer to Arthur, tugging on his arm to make sure he was there. His breathing was at an abnormal speed, taking deep struggling breaths, gasping. Not dead, alive. Arthur was alive. He hadn't had that reassurance before. Of all of Merlin's 1500 years of memories and nightmares, Arthur's death was the worst. Arthur's death was a reminder that he had failed and that all that waiting he did would never have had to come if he had just been fast enough. The all powerful Emrys couldn't even fulfil his destiny correctly. Arthur put one arm around Merlins back and pulled him closer into his chest, after a long while, the boy's gasping and sobbing seemed to subside and he was breathing normally again. Arthur kept his arm around the broken frame and Merlin didn't remove his grip from Arthurs sleeve.

"No need to ask what that was," voiced Arthur. Merlin shook his head against Arthurs chest, feeling it vibrate as he spoke, "it's alright. I'm here." Two words and yet it meant the world to Merlin. He looked up and saw Arthur's face was tear stained like his.

"Why are you crying?"

"I just finished the Titanic," he replied monotone.

Merlin choked out a laugh, "the great king Arthur cried watching the Titanic? This should be in the history books."

"You can't possibly say that was a true story?" Arthur looked like he might start crying again.

"Jack and Rose are made up but yes, there was a ship called the Titanic. That's how it sank and that's how so many people died.

"I'm not going on a boat anytime soon."

"I had a ticket to the Titanic," Merlin sighed.

Arthur's eyes widened, "did you go?"

"No. I thought, 'what if Arthur comes while I'm in the middle of the ocean? I can't go back to him."

"Good, I'm glad you didn't go."

Merlin shook his head sadly, "instead, I gave the second class ticket to my friend, Tyler Abercomb."

Tyler Abercomb was a poor man around the age of 25 living on the streets. He'd work on the railroad every day morning to noon to get enough money to feed himself. That morning, as he collected charcoal, Merlin came running towards him ecstatic. He was wearing suspenders, a dirty white shirt and a newsboy cap. Tyler was wearing the same, but his were more worn. "Emrys, my mate, what's all the rush for?"

"Guess what I got my hands on?" He beamed.

"I haven't a clue," Tyler looked amused, leaving his wheelbarrow of charcoal aside and putting his hands on his hips. Merlin pulled out a piece of paper; a ticket to the new ship Titanic. Tyler's mouth was wide open, "you're pulling my leg! That must've cost you a fortune! Second class too!"

"Saved up for it, just 12 pounds. It's for you," Merlin thrust the ticket towards him.

"Me?" He looked as though Merlin had said magic existed, "no I couldn't. That's yours. Don't you want to go, they say that ship's unsinkable."

The Night We Met- Modern Merthur (Arthur returns)Where stories live. Discover now