Chapter 1

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Before you all start reading, I need you to know that I have not edited this story at all. So the grammar is really shitty and I've basically written whatever comes to mind so there will be paragraphs that don't make sense. I'm sorry. This is just me trying to get all my thoughts out on writing.

He was alive. Arthur was alive. He was still struggling to believe it and kept glancing at the armoured figure beside him making sure he was definite of what he was seeing. The king still looked the same as he always did, electric blue eyes, shining blond hair and alive. After 1500 years, he was back with Merlin. The tears formed in his eyes again, Merlin hadn't stopped crying since he saw Arthur appear from the lake of Avalon. Completely dry, though he had been fully submerged. He had known, the stars had given him a sign that night and he sat at the lake until sunrise when Arthur returned. First, the golden hair, then armour, sword and finally Arthur's full body walked out looking terribly bewildered. Merlin took one look at the man and broke down sobbing, his hands around the king's neck. Holding onto tightly saying, "just hold me." All the guilt, waiting and regret weighing down upon his shoulders like a balloon bursting. Arthur didn't say anything, he just sensed that Merlin needed to be held and held him for as long as he needed. Still, purely confused. Now, he decided to speak up since Merlin had calmed down and they were walking through the forest.

"What are you wearing?" He frowned. Merlin was wearing a black t-shirt, leather jacket and skinny blue jeans, nothing like the tunic and trousers everyone wore back in Arthur's time. Merlin made a noise between a scoff and a choked sob, looking at the ground but his eyes lifted up to look at Arthur every few seconds. "Don't start crying on me again," he warned. No reply, no snarky remark that Merlin always made only a sideways glance again. "Why do you keep looking at me from the corner of your eye?" Still no reply. Arthur snapped, "damn it, Merlin! I died and now I'm alive again. I don't know what's happened and why you're acting strange. I need answers!"

Merlin bit his lip and looked up from the ground into Arthur's eyes. Deep sorrow and pain hid in the dark haired boy's iris and his face crumpled helplessly, "I'll explain when we get home."

They continued walking through the forest which was now lighting up with bright morning sunlight. Birds and bee's seemed to be humming as loud as possible for them. Then, he realised, "Merlin, Camelot's the other way." Of course this buffoon couldn't remember directions.

A sharp intake of breath emitted from the boy. "There is no Camelot."

He paused in his steps. A world with no Camelot? He had never once imagined that in all his life. Ever since he was a child Arthur had been told that he must devote his life to protecting Camelot and that is what he spent all his time doing. Hell, he died protecting Camelot! Everything he loved was gone, his home was gone, all his friends and family, Gaius, Gwen, Leon, Gwaine, Percival and Merlin. But Merlin was here, that meant there was a chance the others were too. There was a noise in the bushes, he reached for Excalibur in his belt and Merlin turned around in alert. A boar came out, dark, furry and glistening its horns. It did not look to be in a good mood and when it saw them, it cried out and came running to attack. Merlin barely moved a finger, but Arthur saw his eyes; gold. The boar stopped moving. Merlin looked at Arthur cautiously as though expecting him to explode.

"Did you kill it?" He asked uncertainty. Of course, he'd forgotten. Merlin had magic, the boy had hidden it from him the whole time they knew each other. It felt like a betrayal to think Merlin didn't trust him enough to tell him and when Arthur was told, he felt relieved to know he was dying and didn't have to seal his manservants fate. He was alive again and Merlin still had magic. Clumsy Merlin, he never would've guessed him to be a sorcerer and yet he was, using his magic to save a king's life who would have him killed. Arthur always believed those with magic were evil, his step sister was a great example, but Merlin, Merlin didn't have a drop of evil blood in him.

The Night We Met- Modern Merthur (Arthur returns)Where stories live. Discover now