Chapter 31: Simeon's Gift

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Simeon offers you a gift with quite a bit of history to it.


I know I'm supposed to like, teeter these chapters off by like a week or something to make them easier to read? But I'm too excited about this. I'm just gonna post the chapters as they come.

Chapter Text

Mammon doesn't let you leave the house by foot today - No, he takes you in style in his car. You get to sit up front with Grim in your lap, enjoying the cozy and ostentatious experience of being driven in style by the avatar of greed.

This does mean his brothers tagged along with some very boisterous but playful insistence that they could all fit. All except Lucifer and Levi, of course.

You reach the school in a large puddle of people in the car, as the brothers riding in the backseat couldn't be contained. The ride over was a mixture of panicked yelling and music and people spilling into seats they didn't belong in. When your group spills out into the parking lot, Mammon looks like he's just been through hell. Driving with this group was a special kind of hell. You can see the angels arriving with Solomon from Purgatory Hall. Luke lights up, beaming, running up to you and bouncing in place as he excitedly greets you, Simeon coming up slower behind with a warm and happy-to-be-present smile. The two angels have been so busy planning your big day, that you almost haven't seen them this whole last week outside of classes.

"Hello, ___!! It's good to see you! Are you excited for today??" Luke beams, barely able to contain his excitement.

You chuckle at the sight, gently patting his head. "Yeah, I'm pretty excited, Luke. I've missed you two a lot. How've you been?"

"We've been busy, but we're both excited for today. Turns out, a non-angel casting a First Blessing has caused quite the stir in the Celestial Realm." Simeon laughs, casually dropping a piece of lore that you were blind to previously.

"What do you mean, quite the stir in the Celestial Realm??"

"Well, if non-angels can perform blessings, then this exchange program is already yielding quite the surprise. Many would like to study you and get to know you more. You've become quite the conversation starter over there."

"Uh-huh! The human that can cast angelic magic is big news!" Luke beams, incredibly proud.

- "Well this human can also cast demonic magic." Satan adds, smirking as he leans against you. "How's the Celestial Realm responding to that?" He's a little smug at the idea.

"Quite the conversation starter, indeed." Simeon reaffirms, simultaneously affirming that the Celestial Realm knows about your strange castings.

"You're the first person who could claim to belong to all the realms!" Luke grins, practically glowing with delight and pride. "How does it feel??"

"I don't know.. I still don't think I can count as a part of ANY of these realms, let alone all three-"

"BULLSHIT" Mammon gripes, not letting you linger on that thought for even a moment. "No matter what, you belong here! Devildom wouldn't be the same without ya'!"

"And if I may speak for the friends you've made in the human realm-" Solomon pipes up, smiling warmly. "You'll always belong in the human realm."

"And the MONSTER realm!" Grim puffs his chest out, grinning.

Simeon smiles warmly, adding; "Things are changing in ways none of us could anticipate. You are a catalyst, not only for change, but for understanding. Through you and your exploration of these realms, we understand ourselves better. You might have been an outsider initially, but homes are what you make with people, not places. You've certainly become a part of our cosmic family."

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