Chapter 19: Community

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Ya'll, there might be some wild formatting weirdness in this chapter, and I am so sorry for that. The formatting portion of this chapter was so hard because of the list. 10/10 would write another list though, because that was really fun even though the cleanup for the chapter was a nightmare.


"LEVI!" Mammon kicks down Levi's door, bursting into the poor guy's room. Levi is in the middle of surfing through some games he can purchase online, so he's not exactly inconvenienced by the barrage - But, having to fix his door is always a pain. He shoots Mammon a pissed look before actively ignoring him. Mammon responds to this by leaning against his desk and waving a hand in front of his face. "Hellooooo - Leviiiiiii! You there?? I have important news!!"

Levi scowls and tugs one ear of his headphones off his head to glare at Mammon. "This is just gonna be some kinda scam that you wanna sell me on, isn't it?"

"Scam!? Excuse you! Y'know what- Nah, I'm not even gonna sweat it, because WE HAVE A CHANCE AT GETTING ___ BACK!"

Levi's eyes widen. But then they narrow as he scowls. "You're not about to cook up a scheme that breaks the rules, are you? We're supposed to be giving them space."

"No no, they're coming over tomorrow!! They want Belphegor to make amends with them!!"

Levi jumps up from his seat. "Did they say that themself??"

"... Kind of!" Levi deflates and scowls again. Mammon grins sheepishly. "They ARE coming over tomorrow! But, they're coming over because I told them I'd help them with a problem that they're dealing with."

"What's the problem?"

"Looks like they DID get Lilith's Celestial magic. They performed their first blessing."

Levi's eyes widen, and then he gets very envious. "And I wasn't there?? For my best friend's FIRST BLESSING?! Augh! I bet that stupid human Solomon was. They're so close.." Mammon can see his brother on the verge of a jealousy spiral, so he grips his shoulders and looks him in the eyes.

"Stay with me, Levi. They're gonna throw ___ a First Blessing party, and when they do, ___ wants to invite us, but they WOULDN'T wanna invite Belphie because of the whole attempted murder thing. So! If we wanna go to that party, and be there to celebrate their First Blessing with them, then we gotta make things right with them and Belphie!!"

Levi understands. Still, he can't help but be incredibly jealous of the people who're living with you right now. A First Blessing is so special, and you're the first human in all of history to be able to celebrate one organically. He's jealous of you for being so cool, and can't help but feel the spiral ebbing at his mind. Mammon groans and lightly taps Levi's head.

"Ey, ey!! Do you understand?? We gotta talk to the others about this."

"Whaddya think we can do?" Levi turns his head away, scowling. He doesn't have high hopes for this.

"Well, a video game worked last time, with Lucifer and Satan, yeah? And they've tried to kill each other more times than I can count!"

Levi furrows his brow, thinking about it. He might know a very good game for this plan. One that suits you and Belphegor very nicely from what he knows about you both. ".. Okay, I think I know a game that might work."

"GREAT! Now we just gotta tell the others so no one fucks up the plan. But we shouldn't tell them about their First Blessing, so that there's no pressure on ___ to make us happy. Can you get everyone to the common area so we can go over everything?"

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