Chapter 59 - On My Way (Alya/Rena Rouge)

Start from the beginning

"I don't think so.." He said. I smirked. "Then say it." I told him. "You won't get any secrets from me because I don't have any!" He yelled as loud as he could and the chains around him dropped.

Chloe was enraged. "How could none of you have secrets?!" She demanded. I looked at her. "Because what we have are not secrets." I informed her.

Her eyes widened. She shut her eyes. Then when she opened them again, they were Chloe's blue eyes once more. "Get out of my head!" She yelled.

Her hands were on the sides of her head, I knew what she was trying to do, she was trying to De-akumatize herself.

I rooted for her, I know that if she tried hard enough, she could do it.

I smiled as Chloe De-akumatized herself, but frowned because she looked like she was about to faint. Luka ran forward and caught her.

Ladybug, Carapace and Purple Tigress arrived. Ladybug caught the Akuma. She threw up her Lucky Charm to fix the damage to Chloe's room.

Viperion gently lay Chloe on her bed. "She'll be fine. We should let her rest." He said, and walked back towards the window.

He opened it and jumped out. We saw him jumping from building to building. We followed him.

But before I left, I looked back to see Chloe sleeping peacefully. I smiled, and that's when I followed my team out the window.


We were so relieved when Chloe came to School the next day. We immediately went in to hug her. "We're so sorry we pressured you like that yesterday! It was wrong of us to try to get you to tell us what the message said, please forgive us." Marinette said, holding Chloe's hands in her own.

"It's okay, I forgive you." She smiled. Adrien stepped forward. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have made you promise not to say anything. I should have just shown all of you instead of being so stubborn." Chloe shook her head and took his head.

"That wasn't your fault. I saw what that message said. You were terrified. I would have done the exact same thing if I was in your situation." She told him.

"Thanks, Chloe." He said. Adrien hesitated, then he put his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He stared at the screen before doing some tapping.

He took a shakey breath in and gave his phone to Marinette. She read it, gasped, then became angry as she passed it to me.

From: Blocked Number
To: Adrien
'I thought I warned you about what would happen if you stayed with them. Your friends are bad influences on you, Adrien. I'll give you another warning, go past it and I'll keep the promise I made to you.'

I copied Marinette's actions and passed the phone to Nino. He read it, then frowned. "That is so not cool." He muttered. Then he passed it to Juleka, who as usual, looked like she was about to commit murder once she read the message.

She gave it to Luka. Out of all of us, Luka looked the most pissed off. He gave the phone to Chloe, who proceeded to give it back to Adrien after she read it for a second time and shutterd.

"I'll kill him myself if I have to." Luka growled. When he tried to leave, Juleka held him back. "I would love to do that too bro, but that's not a very good idea." She said.

Adrien stepped in front of him. "She's right. Doing that would just make things a lot worse than they already are." Luka looked away from him. "I-I know, but he sent that message. And I just have to do something about it." Adrien firmly placed his hands on Luka's shoulders.

Which is what the last thing I expected him to do was. "Don't do anything stupid." He said, he looked Luka dead in the eyes. "But-" Luka began to protest, but Adrien made a look with his eyes that shut him up.

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