Chapter 55 - Closer (Luka/Viperion)

Start from the beginning

I didn't expect him to be so comfortable with mentioning his old relationship with me, as myself, in front of me. But it's not his fault he doesn't know I'm Luka.

"Uh, yeah. What did you have in mind?" I asked him. "Well... I wouldn't mind you c-calling me K-kitty..." He did that thing with his fingers, the one people do when they're nervous and put their fingers together.

"Didn't Ladybug give you that nickname first?" He shrugged.

"Yeah, but she usually only used it in dire situations. I gave her nicknames because I liked her. But since I no longer do I never call her those nicknames anymore. It's funny. To think that like three years ago I was in love with her and now... All I needed was someone to make me realize I liked guys too..." His eyes met mine.

Those cat green eyes always get me. They're just so beautiful you can't help but totally get lost in them. I definitely got lost in them.

Chat Noir is my boyfriend... Again. This only makes him my first boyfriend for the second time. Adrien was my second boyfriend. Or does this make him my third boyfriend? I don't know it's confusing, he's not my third boyfriend, but I'm his.

Oh wait, I am his third boyfriend. To him that is. Because he dated Luka-me-then he dated that other guy who thought Superheroes were too obnoxious. If I ever meet him, I don't know what I'd do.

So to him and everyone else, I'm his third boyfriend. "Does this make me your third boyfriend?" I blurted out.

"I-I mean.. I guess, I don't know... Maybe?" He stuttered. "Because you dated uh, Luka... And then the stupid guy who said Superheroes were obnoxious and now you're dating me..." I did my best to explain it to him.

"R-right... I completely forgot about that guy..." He forgot about the guy who thought Superheroes were obnoxious? Eh, I would too honestly.

He was random and doesn't really have an important role in Chat Noir's life. Nope. That's my job. And he's my boyfriend now.


It was the first time I had faced Adrien since we made up about our fight, and me grabbing his shirt and stuff like that.

I swear there's never a situation where it isn't awkward between us. I wanted to speak, but I was afraid he would too and we would just have Deja Vu again.

Damn it was awkward. I didn't speak and neither did he. This wasn't the first time in this situation. Uh... I don't know how to handle this... Or maybe I do. I don't know anymore.

"Just know something," Adrien began and I looked up at him. "I still love you." I blinked. "You do?" He looked at me like I was an idiot. "Of course I do! What do you take me for? An amateur? Just because my "Father" isn't allowing me to date you, that doesn't mean he can stop me from still loving you, even if we aren't dating." My face heated up.

"Don't get the wrong idea, I prefer you alive thank you very much," He walked passed me. I stood there for a moment before running after him.

"What do you mean 'I prefer you alive thank you very much'? You can't just say things like that and walk away!" He turned back to look at me. "Well I just did," Did he just sass me like that? He just sassed me like that!

I frowned when he walked away again. I didn't go after him this time, I just let it slide. Instead, I went to find my sister so I could sadly, complain to her about it.


"And he sassed you like that?"

"Yes!" She patted my head. "I see... Well, I could try and talk to him. What did he say exactly though?" I did my best to remember. I told her everything until the point where Adrien sassed me.

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