Chapter 54 - Collide (Marinette/Ladybug)

Start from the beginning

"I'm mostly fine. It's just.. I'm worried about Luka and Adrien. Ever since they officially broke up, they've both been really down. I could tell. I know they miss eachother, and it's hard to have to see them not happy. I know they were happy together, and now they're not..."

I put my chin in my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulders. "I get it," He said. "Sort of. Well, I've never dated anyone before but I've been surrounded by couples my whole life. And my parents, they were actually divorced for a few years so Maddie and I went back and forth for a while. And then she had enough, let's just say she recreated 'The Parent Trap' and brought them back together." He smiled at me.

It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I definitely like him. He stood up and held out his hand. "Why don't we, go find Adrien and Luka, and get them back together." I looked at him.

"Not like that, it's not really possible, but they're still young, they have plenty of time to figure it out. The least we can do is help them become friends again." I took his hand. "Friends is a good start." I said.


"And why should I?" Luka had a scowl on his face. Mason and I were trying to get him to talk to Adrien so they would be friends again.

"Because you used to be so close. He was your best friend for years, and then you fell in love with him. You loved him for three months Luka, and don't even think about telling me you no longer love him." His scowl softened a little bit. "He won't agree to be friends again," He said.

I sighed. "You never know until you try," I told him, and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, you're right. I'll try. And if he doesn't want to, then at least I tried, right?" He smiled at me. I smiled back. "Let's go find him-" I cut myself off when I saw something. Or better yet someone.

And as if on que, I spotted Adrien in the corner of my eye. "He's right there," I pointed at him. Luka followed my gaze. It was Mason who called him over.

"Hey! Adrien! We need to talk to you," He waved back, obviously he hasn't seen Luka yet, and when his eyes landed on me, then to Luka, he stopped dead in his tracks and sent out a glare to Luka with gritted teeth.

"See? He hates me." Luka said. I frowned. "No he doesn't. He's just mad." I reassured him. I took his hand and we began to walk toward Adrien.

He rolled his eyes and was about to turn around. "Don't even think about it!" I called out to him and he froze. He turned back around and faced us. I could tell Luka was nervous. His hand was sweaty.

"Friends. You guys need to be friends again." I told them. I lifted up Luka's hand and used my other hand to grab Adrien's. I lifted his up and put their hands together.

"Shake it out and agree to be friends again," Both of them were taller than me so I had to look up at them. Luka bit his lip, but still didn't let go of Adrien's hand. It was vise versa with Adrien.

I stayed silent. I didn't want to ruin the moment and have them hate eachother again. "Friends a-again?" Luka smiled nervously. "Yeah, we can be friends again." He said. But there was something off about him.

"And Adrien?" Luka rubbed his arm. "I'm sorry for calling you an idiot," He apologized. Adrien's eyes changed. "I'm sorry for calling you an idiot too," Luka didn't show any change in emotion.

Neither did I. He smiled and walked away. I stood next to Luka and we have a quiet conversation.

"That wasn't Adrien."

"Nope. He called you a dumbass, not an idiot."

Luka rolled his eyes, because I reminded him that Adrien called him a dumbass.

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