The young lady looked like she could be my age. Henry didn't even see me walk up

Woman: Henry who is this bitch you done got knocked up

Fatima looking around because she know this lady didn't just call her a bitch

Henry turned around so fast he almost choked on his food

Fatima: First of all watch the bitch word and second I am his step daughter who the fuck are you.

Woman: Step daughter Henry you never said anything about a stepdaughter

Fatima: So this is why you're not at the hospital with your wife who has cancer

Woman: Wife awe hell naw Henry you said you were leaving her old ass

Fatima: Bitch watch it

Woman: That's okay she can have him. I am going downtown and putting you on child support you ain't having me raise these bad ass kids myself

Fatima: Damn you cheating and you got kids you low down wait until I tell my mama

Henry: Please don't I will tell her

Fatima: What ever

Fatima walked away from the table and snatched her order and walked out. She heard the woman cussing Henry out

Fatima made it to the hospital

Mona: Fatima you made it I was getting worried

Fatima: Sorry I ran into someone at the cafe

Mona: Everything okay

Fatima: No but that's not what's important right now this is

Mona: Okay

The doctor came in and went over everything

Doctor: Your cancer is at Stage one which is good the caner has not spread. We will have 4-8 cycles of treatment to see if it shrinks. Once that it finished we will retest. This process can be very draining so during this process you will need to be stress free and get much rest as you can.

Fatima: I will make sure she does both

Mona looked at Fatima like she's the momma

Doctor: Okay do you have any questions for me

Mona: Not at the moment

Doctor: Okay the nurse will get your appointments set up

Mona: Okay thank you

The doctor walked out

Fatima: You heard the doctor no stress and relax

Mona: I know

Fatima: Okay I really don't want to tell you this but I need to

Mona: What is it

Fatima: I was late because I ran into Henry at the cafe

Mona: He was with that woman

Fatima: Wait you already knew

Mona: Of course I knew I just looked the other way hoping that it would be a little phase and he would come back home. But he got her pregnant not once but twice and he was ready to leave me until I found the lump in my breast. I guess he didn't want to leave me at my lowest.

Fatima: Ma you don't need him

Mona: He's all I had left you weren't talking to me so I needed him.

Fatima: No you don't need him. The Mona I know wouldn't have stood for any of this shit sick or not. That doesn't give him the excuse to cheat on you for years.

Mona: I know but I wasn't in a good space and right now I don't want to think about it. I just want kick cancers ass so I can be able to spend my time with you and my grand baby when she gets here.

Fatima: Okay but he's not getting off that easy I'm going to get his ass

Mona: Fatima you're eight months pregnant you don't need to do anything. Let God handle him

Fatima: I'm gone be God's assistant and help him on this one

Mona: I can you see gone do what you want to do just be careful

Fatima: Always am , lets get you out of here.

Fatima couldn't believe Henry ass was out here cheating but I guess it don't matter how old these men are they still gone cheat.

Zac was waiting on Fatima to get home

Zac: Hey babe how did everything go

Fatima: It went well she starts treatments soon

Zac: Is she in good spirits

Fatima: Good as she can be considering. Can I ask you a question

Zac: Sure

Fatima: Do you think all men cheat

Zac: What ever you heard I didn't do shit

Fatima: Babe I'm not talking about you I'm just asking a question

Zac: Oh okay just wanted to make sure. I'm going to say no I don't think all men cheat why do you ask

Fatima: It's just crazy that you can be with someone for decades and you cheat and have a whole other woman and kids on the side

Zac: Shit

Fatima: Yeah my mom is dealing with cancer and Henry playing sugar daddy and daddy literally in the cafe

Zac: Damn not Henry

Fatima: I just don't understand a woman can be everything and look good as fuck but that's still not enough

Zac: Some times they don't even have a reason they just do it. I can admit I fucked up plenty of times and cheated I was looking for something that I wasn't getting at the time. And some times I didn't even have reason. But I can say Zachary Taylor is a changed man

Fatima: You better be I would hate to have to fuck you up

Zac: See we ain't even gone bring any of that negativity into our house. Come here I can see you are stressed let me rub some of that stress off of you.

Just remember all men are not the same and some people can change.

Fatima: I know I just feel bad for my mom

Zac: Mona is you just a little sick right now once she gets back right Henry ass better run

Fatima: It's okay cause I'm gone get his ass before she do

Zac: Now look here pocketbook killa we don't need you doing anything. You got less than four weeks to go until babygirl gets here

Fatima: I know who says I have to be the one fucking him up. I just want him to get the message to stop fucking up my mommas heart

Zac: See you care

Fatima: I always cared I just wanted her ass to do right by me and love me. I will still fuck somebody up behind my family

Zac: See I am trying to remove the stress you adding to it

Fatima: I'm sorry I just get so mad thinking about it

Zac: Well lets get your mind off of that I ordered take out so we can chill and watch movies once you get out the shower

Fatima: You gone join me I may need your help getting the spots I can't reach

Zac: When have I ever said no to that, I can get them hard to reach spots alright

Zac hopped off the couch so fast and escorted Fatima upstairs

They chilled for the rest of the evening

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