Tachihara pt2

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"Hi I'm back from going to a different country and back from feeling like I was being tortured in school," I said as I popped up onto the stage

"It's been ages" Ranpo whined, "Why did you leave for so long?"

"No inspiration or energy plus I have started watching others purely out of boredom" I answered

"Whatever as long as I can keep eating sweets I'm good," Ranpo said

I clicked my fingers and appeared a microphone, "Reporting humans and nonhumans if you call yourself that, report to the theater this once!" I said into the microphone

After a bit, everyone started coming in.

"Hey hey, you are finally back!" Dazai said, "I missed this theater more than I will ever miss Chuuya"

"Hey, why am I dragged into this!?" Chuuya yelled at Dazai

"Hello Rein!" Kenji yelled in happiness

"Kenji the pride and joy of BSD hello I missed you!" I said and walked over to Kenji to hug him, "Ok let's begin get to your seats and we can start" Then I disappeared to the backstage room

Everyone grunted and went to their seat.

"Who is it this time?" Chuuya asked with irritation in his voice

Requested by @kyo_reader Thank you for the request, "We will be reacting to Tachihara" I said

"How the hell does Tachihara get more screen time than me?!" Chuuya asked

"Dunno maybe cuz I like showing characters who ain't too famous in the community," I said, "Or maybe it's because I just want to, who knows?"

The screen changed with a dim flash

"Omg I look amazing!" Tachihara said with a huge grin

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"Omg I look amazing!" Tachihara said with a huge grin

"He looks good but not as good as the Akutagawa's," Higuchi said

"Aww, seriously you had to add the last part?" Tachiara asked

"Well umm... I was just stating out m-my opinion of course" Higuchi said with a small blush on her face

Gin quickly writes: "He doesn't look bad but not great"

"Hey, you too!" Tachihara said

"Not bad Tachihara" Chuuya said

"Finally an actual compliment, also thanks Chuuya!" Tachihara waved

"Finally an actual compliment, also thanks Chuuya!" Tachihara waved

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"Ooo don't I look hot," Tachihara said

"Not really," Gin, Higuchi, Akutagawa thought in unison

"Y-you look great" Higuchi lied giving a weird smile

"Hey I know you are lying you have that weird smile when you lie!" Tachihara said

Gin writes: "I have to agree with Higuchi sorry Tachihara"

"Aww man" Tachihara sulked, Kenji got up and walked over to him

"I think you look amazing!" Kenji said with a huge smile then hugged Tachihara

"This kid is adorable!" Tachihara thought as he hugged back

I instantly remembered there was a pedo in the crowd and instantly appeared right behind him, "Do anything to any of the kids here and you are dead" I said to him, "Fukuzawa watch over the pedo will ya!"

"Fine," Fukuzawa said with a sigh, then I disappeared again

"Wait isn't that just me in Chuuya's outfit?" Tachihara asked

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"Wait isn't that just me in Chuuya's outfit?" Tachihara asked

Some just shrugged

"Well I look hot in it," Tachihara said

"I might have to disagree with that statement," Dazai said, "I hate Chuuya's tacky outfits but they do not work on you"

"OMG will no one agree with me for once!" Tachihara asked loudly 

"I will!" Kenji said and smiled

"Kenji you amazing person you are going to be my new friend now OK?" Tachihara said

"Ok!" Kenji said

"Hey big brother you have been very silent throughout this," Naomi said, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine just... a bit uncomfortable in his hot room" Tanizaki said with a red flush 

"Ok, big brother do you need me to get an ice pack?" Naomi asked

"No it's alright Naomi I will be ok I promise," Tanizaki said

"Ok!" Naomi said with a smile

For some random reason, Tanizaki's heartbeat went faster after reading that statement

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For some random reason, Tanizaki's heartbeat went faster after reading that statement.

"Haha! Now this looks hella awesome! Who's heart did I make race too fast to even count huh?" Tachihara asked with a grin on his face

"I know this is rude but are we done now?" Atsushi asked, "I have for some reason a tea party with Kyouka and Lucy that I don't remember agreeing to"

"Yeah and I have a competition with Chuuya here on how well he can handle his wine," Yosano said

"Dear, don't drink too much I don't want you to get so drunk you start falling apart," Kouyou said

"Don't worry I won't" Yosano said with a grin

"You can go now," I said and mostly everyone left, "You three not going to leave?"

"Well I don't have to plus I just want to eat sweets and help Poe with his novel for once," Ranpo said

"Y-yes I have been waiting for Ranpo to check out another mystery I have created," Poe said

And Karl was just there.

"OK then have a good day"

... I'm not apologizing cuz you should expect me to do so little about books so cya.

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