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This family member has little interaction with Qu Zhitao. She is the daughter-in-law of a group leader in another regiment. However, Qu Zhitao has heard of her reputation, which is a bit embarrassing. She also likes to take advantage of her. Because of the distance, Qu Zhitao forgets after hearing about her. , I only remembered it now that she came over.

"Sister-in-law Li, why did you come to see me?"

Li Meixiang looked around Qu Zhitao's house with an envious look on her face: "Zhitao, your house is really well kept. You make a lot of money selling clothes, right?"

She leaned closer to Qu Zhitao and asked in a low voice, her tone was a bit sour.

Qu Zhitao smiled when he heard this, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Sister-in-law Li, you see what you are saying, I sell for my relatives, how can I make any money? In other words, the elderly in the family can save with less money. Yes, but there is no child left at home to raise Shu Shu. The living room is naturally clean and beautiful, and there is nothing valuable."

Li Meixiang clicked her tongue, with disbelief on her face, but she stopped asking.

She looked at Liao Weishu again, and Liao Weishu leaned into Qu Zhitao's arms. She didn't like this aunt.

"How old is your child? This dress looks great."

Qu Zhitao changed her posture and hugged Liao Weishu, already wanting to drive away the guests: "She's almost one and a half years old. Isn't it all about wearing something good or bad?"

Li Meixiang shook her head and said with a look of kindness on her face: "There are few children in the family home who are better dressed than your child. Why is a child who is only over one year old dressed so well? He won't be able to wear the clothes anymore if they are too small. , and it's easy to get dirty, so you can just do it a few times."

Qu Zhitao's face began to turn cold, and she hugged Liao Weishu tightly and said, "Sister-in-law Li, how I raise the child has nothing to do with you, right? What do you want to do with me? Tell me quickly. I have clothes to wash later."

What bothers her most is people who go back and forth in circles, talk in weird ways, and don't talk about what's serious. She didn't waste much time, and she was still very angry.

Li Meixiang's face stiffened for a moment, but she quickly recovered. She thought she smiled kindly and said, "Actually, it's nothing. Your nephew has been living in your house recently. He is about twenty years old."

Qu Zhitao frowned, with a bad premonition rising in her heart. She did not answer, but asked: "Why are you asking these questions? My nephew is still young."

Li Meixiang immediately said: "What's so young? She's not young anymore. I think she's twenty. Let me tell you, I have a niece who is beautiful and has a degree. She is a college student. Take a look or let your nephew Want to meet her? We are of the same age and easy to talk to. If it weren't for the fact that your nephew is so good and a good matchmaker like my niece, I wouldn't be willing to do it."

Qu Zhitao smiled: "Which nephew of mine are you talking about?"

"The older one of the two is fine." Li Meixiang looked tolerant.

"You really are not picky."

"It's not like both of them are great."

Qu Zhitao's face changed: "Get out!"

"What?" Li Meixiang looked at Qu Zhitao in disbelief. She couldn't believe that Qu Zhitao, who had always had a good reputation in the Family Court, would curse.

Qu Zhitao looked at her with curved lips: "I said, I'll let you go! Your niece is so good, then you can keep it for yourself. It depends on how good my nephew is. Whether my nephew is good or not is none of your business!" No matter how good he is, he is not from your family! No matter how good your niece is, we don't care! Don't come to my house and say these disgusting things, I don't want to hear it. How old is my nephew? He started scheming. Li Meixiang, why didn't I notice it before? You are such a great person."

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