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Liu Xianwang dragged his tired body home. Lu Dachun's first words when they met were not to care about him, but to complain to him, scolding Qu Zhitao for bullying her because of her husband's high position.

Before she could finish what she said, Liu Xianwang slapped her away: "Who asked you to go over and make trouble!"

"She beat our baby first!"

"If you hit someone with a water pipe, you should be beaten."

"That's your son! If you don't feel sorry for him, I still feel sorry for him."

Lu Dachun burst into tears, scolding Liu Xianwang for being heartless and Qu Zhitao for being a vixen.

Liu Xianwang couldn't help it and slapped you again: "Cry again! Do you have any brains! You also know that Commander Liao has a higher position than me. Why don't you go to Mr. Kong's wife to make trouble? Do you think I'm here?" Is it too comfortable to be in your position? Do you want me to go home and farm without doing anything?"

"I don't."

Although Lu Dachun had no brains, she valued her husband more and listened to her husband's words. When she heard what her husband said, she became scared.

She didn't want to go home and farm. It was so comfortable here. She only had to look after the children every day, and she didn't have to wait at home for her two bad-tempered father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"If you don't, just be honest with me. Don't say you are unreasonable. Even if you are reasonable, you can't go to Commander Liao's wife to make trouble. Hiss..."

Liu Xianwang touched his face and felt his body started to hurt again, "Unless you want to look at me like this every day."

He said why Captain Liao was looking at him today and punishing him harshly if he made any mistake. It turned out that this was the reason.

Lu Dachun said distressedly: "I didn't touch his wife's finger. Why is he like this?"

"What's that like? Commander Liao gave me an aboveboard guidance. I don't know how much other battalion commanders would envy you. You just have long hair and short knowledge. Don't cause me any trouble in the future. I don't want to have this kind of guidance every day."

"Oh oh oh, then I will go to Qu Zhitao to apologize tomorrow?" Lu Dachun finally got smart.

Liu Xianwang was satisfied, "Take the two children with you. See what they are like. Come run with me tomorrow."

Lu Dachun felt very sorry for his son, but did not dare to disobey her husband, so he could only say "Oh" reluctantly.

The next day, Qu Zhitao was surprised when she saw Lu Dachun standing at her door with a smile on his face.

"Why are you here again? What, you still want to scold me?"

Lu Dachun waved his hands hurriedly: "No, no. I'm here to apologize. Yesterday was all my fault. You, sir, have a lot of trouble. Don't be the same person as me. Say sorry to your aunt quickly."

She slapped the two children heavily with her hands. The two children looked reluctant on their faces, but they probably had been taught a lesson at home, so they still lowered their heads and apologized to her.

Qu Zhitao is not a person who holds things back. When people come to apologize, no matter what the reason for the apology is, she does not embarrass them. She just says, "Don't do what you did yesterday again." Then she lets them carry the gift ribbons in their hands. Go back, she went back to the house.

When Liao Jilin came back in the evening, Qu Zhitao brought the food and walked up to him and asked: "Lu Dachun came to my place to make trouble yesterday. Did you deal with her?"

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