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"Yeah. She was wronged to death today."

Liao Jilin frowned, with a look of distress on his face, "How is her wrist until now?"

"I'll probably be sore for a few days. I'll go to the teacher's house tomorrow and I'll tell my wife to reduce her workload next week."

Liao Jilin stopped talking. In fact, he was asked to take care of Shushu. He couldn't bear to punish her for this matter today. If she cried, he would probably not let her paint again.

But he knew that Qu Zhitao's education method was the right one. Although he felt distressed, he would not stop it.

"Tomorrow I will take Shushu to the Children's Palace. If she doesn't like anything, I won't let her learn any more."

Liao Jilin nodded: "It's enough to learn painting and calligraphy now. You can learn more later if you want."

Qu Zhitao thought for a moment, nodded, and lay down to sleep.

But when she was about to fall asleep, she suddenly remembered that her daughter's safety also had to be considered.

She turned over and shook Liao Jilin. Liao Jilin was not asleep yet and asked her what was wrong.

"Don't your family have a plan to train boys from childhood? Including Shushu."

Liao Jilin, who was a little sleepy, woke up immediately and said, "That is too tiring for a girl. If Shushu doesn't join the army, there is no need to suffer like this."

Qu Zhitao shook her head: "I didn't train her to be a soldier, but to give her the ability to protect herself when encountering danger. Girls are naturally weaker than boys. There are so many dangers out there, so it's also a good idea to learn something about self-defense. Guarantee. It's okay if it's a bit painful."

Liao Jilin frowned and thought about this matter carefully: "Let me think about it."

He is someone who has experienced training and knows how hard and tiring training is. Boys may not be able to endure it, let alone girls.

But my wife is right. Girls are naturally weak and can protect themselves after being trained since childhood.

Qu Zhitao lay down and fell asleep quickly after saying that, but Liao Jilin, who had something on his mind, tossed and turned all night long and couldn't sleep well.

But when the wake-up horn sounded the next day, he immediately got out of bed, still full of energy and not tired at all.

Qu Zhitao sleeps well, but when she doesn't get enough sleep, the army's wake-up horn sounds. After listening to it, she can turn over and continue sleeping.

But today, when Liao Jilin came together, she woke up too.

Qu Zhitao rubbed her eyes and sat up, still squinting a little. She squinted to see Liao Jilin getting dressed, but he didn't turn on the light. When sleeping with her, he wouldn't turn on the light every time he got up.

"Ji Lin, please turn on the light."

Liao Jilin was a little surprised that Qu Zhitao woke up so early. He buckled his belt, walked over with his coat and touched her forehead: "Won't you sleep a little longer?"

Qu Zhitao shook his head: "I have to go to the city early today, so I won't sleep."

"It's still early."

Qu Zhitao shook her head and got off the bed, asking him to leave her alone and do whatever he had to do. She said she would not change it from now on.

Liao Jilin had no choice but to go out and wash up quickly.

Military Marriage Love in the 1980sWhere stories live. Discover now