Yellow Tulip

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Sunshine in your smile

Sunshine in your smile

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Sunshine in your smile

Throughout the lesson, Izuku would shyly often glance at the girl in front of him. He had a hard time paying attention which was obvious to Mr. Aizawa as he had called him out multiple times. Izuku felt embarrassed as everyone eyed him, he felt even more embarrassed when F/n turned around and offered him a small smile.

20 minutes before lunch, Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat, catching the attention of his students. With his usual monotone voice he spoke, "Now we can begin our project that I had talked about last week. Be in a group of five or four and Keep things appropriate. Yes, I'm talking about you Denki."

"Aw man."

"Form your groups and don't be loud." With that Shota rested his head on his desk and the students began to move.

Izuku on the other hand only stared down at his desk. The feeling of rejection loomed over him as his ears listened to the sound of giggling and talking. He wondered, if this would be the time to approach the h/c ha–

"Hey, Izuku Midoriya, right?"

Lifting his head, the green-haired male stared at a h/c haired girl, his heart slightly speeding up. He shyly smiled, "Ah, y-yes?"

The girl smiled and pointed behind her, "You want to join us? I can't guarantee our project will be the best but it's the thought that matters, right? But, it's totally ok if you don't want to join. I get being new is a scary exp–"

"Of course!" Izuku instantly replied but embarrassment once again crept up from replying quickly, "I-I mean, yeah."

Chuckling, F/n waved for the male to follow as she headed towards her friends. Izuku followed closely after as he could feel the glare coming from Katsuki and wanted to avoid any interaction. He also didn't want to be left behind.

"But, that sounds so boring. Everyone is going to think about doing a cafe. Why can't we do something big and fun!? Oh, oh! What about doing research about that one serial criminal that just came out?" Izuku heard Ochaco say as he approached the table.

"Oh, you mean that Tomura Shigaraki guy?" Shoto asked, "I don't know if F/n would like that."

"Like what?" F/n sat down next to Shoto and pulled a chair out for Izuku to sit, "Izuku's joining us, by the way."

The three eyed Izuku which made the male nervous but his nervousness eased as they smiled and waved at him, apart from Shoto who just waved at him. Izuku kept his hands on his lap as he listened to them speak, unsure whether he should chime in.

"Ochaco wants to research about a crime that happened not too long ago." Tenya crossed his arms, "But, I feel like it would be disrespectful to the victims. It's as if we are glorifying his crimes."

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