Part 8: The last preparation

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??? POV:

?!?: Sir, I'm here to report on the info on the CouncilRys

???: ...

?!?: There's rumor that, after this upcoming war against the Vtuber, Both the Myth and The CouncilRys are going to step down from power

???: Really?

?!?: Yes, Sir 

???: Hmm??

?!?: Should we continue with our plan 

???: Of courses, now leave me be, I have to speak with my wife

?!? then leave the room

The Next Day

CouncilRys POV:

The CouncilRys has a secret meeting in the Vtuber palace to discuss about the possible future of the republics, after stepping down

Baelz: (Addressing the council) Esteemed members of this private gathering, thank you for coming. As we step down from our position, it is crucial that we discuss the potential paths and considerations for the republics in the future

Kronii: (Nodding) Before we look ahead, we must acknowledge the current challenges our republics face - socio-political unrest, economic disparities, and a growing divide between the common citizens and the AVA war

Mumei: Our approach to these challenges will set the tone for the future. We must ensure inclusivity, equal representation, and a commitment to the needs of all citizens

Fauna: (Contemplating) We need to consider establishing a body that represents the collective will and wisdom of our republics. An advisory council, perhaps, composed of representatives from diverse backgrounds, offering insights and recommendations

IRys: (Suggesting) Additionally, implementing educational programs that emphasize values, ethics, and the importance of civic engagement can help bridge the gap between the populace and the governance

Mumei: The transition of leadership is a pivotal moment for the republics. We should establish a council of trusted individuals who will uphold the ideals and governance structure we have cultivated. This will ensure a smooth transition of power

Fauna: Additionally, we need to mentor and prepare the next generation of leaders, imparting our knowledge and values. A strong foundation of education and mentorship will secure the longevity and stability of the Vtuber Republics

Baelz: Furthermore, we should advocate for diplomacy, collaboration, and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. We must remain vigilant in promoting these values to prevent a slide into discord and chaos

After that both side spent hour and day preparing for the war 

Time skip

War Declaration September 27 2028

AVA has declare war against the Vtuber Republics

??? POV: 

??? contacting AVA leader Jordon Frost

???: The time has come, declare war against the republics 

AVA leader Jordon Frost: understood, my lord

??? cut connection

AVA leader Jordon Frost POV:

AVA leader Jordon Frost: It time, the moment we all been waiting for

AVA leader Jordon Frost make his way to grand hall within the AVA headquarters. AVA leader Jordon Frost, stands at a podium surrounded by AVA military officers and diplomats. The room is tense as they prepare to make a grave announcement

AVA leader Jordon Frost: (Addressing the assembly) Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed officers, and fellow citizens of the AVA, today marks a somber occasion in our history. As leader of the AVA, it is my duty to address you with a heavy heart, regrettably, we find ourselves left with no choice but to declare war against the Vtuber Republics, after the dead of our Prime Minister Alford Adams, The Vtuber Republics have shown a blatant disregard for our sovereignty, interests, and the safety of our citizens. We cannot stand idly by while our rights and stability are threatened. We must take a stand to protect our way of life, their actions demonstrate a clear intent to undermine our society and exert dominance over our territories. We cannot tolerate such actions, Fellow citizens, we face difficult times ahead. It is our duty to defend our values, freedom, and the AVA way of life. We shall assemble our forces and unite as one against this threat. We shall prevail and secure a future for our nation and its people

The room echoes with determination and unity as AVA officers and diplomats join in solidarity


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