"Usually, some of the ladies I've had in the past would give me some gifts, and someone who stood an impression on me gifted that incense. I wouldn't be able to know who it was truly from if it weren't for your words"

"Wait, who was the lady that gave you the incense then?"

"Are you jealous?" I could see his voice turned up the pitch as he wiggled his eyebrows with the corners of his lips curled up and yet, I could only glare at him.

"Are you even kidding me right now?"

"Fine, I was just kidding then. It was Lady Sylvia," then it dawned on me.

"Lady Sylvia as in the Lady of the Grolden household?"

"Yes, the Duke of the Grolden household's younger daughter, you know that household, right?" Vaxius said as he continued in leaning towards my direction.

His surprise looked earlier vanished and I could feel this dark and sinister aura building up in front of him.

I sighed.

"Can we go away from each other now?" I asked and he chuckled. Before doing so, he turned his head everywhere and he sighed.

"I guess so," he said letting me go and the warmth that came from him was replaced by this piercing coldness. He walked to the seat near the fireplace of his room and I did the same thing sitting across from him.

"So why the sudden question about the incense," he said while pouring himself some tea and doing the same thing as mine a later second.

I continued to gaze at him but remembering the lady he said earlier, made my spine grow chilly.

"Do you even know who the lady you mentioned earlier is and that you're free to break her heart?" I asked but he seemed to be taken aback that he managed to put the tea he was about to sip to our table and a second after that, he laughed.

"Of course, but shouldn't you answer my question earlier? It feels like you're returning the favor," he said while still holding his stomach for his laughter.

I couldn't even feel some venoms in his chuckles, but I could feel the innocent laugh from there and it made me misunderstand something as if I've known about him at all.

Shaking my head, I expressed my thoughts on the lady of the Grolden household. Who wouldn't know her, when her family was the one in charge of producing the future crown princess of the empire?

The Grolden household holds the second position highest from the grand duke of the empire, who passed away years ago. Since then, they were able to garner the grand duke's position, they were also the ones who stayed loyal to the emperor during the Veniola war.

They were also known for their mining business, clothing, and jewelry shops around the empire.

In the past, I managed to meet Lady Sylvia, she was called the angel of the noble society because of her unparalleled beauty and kindness.

How come it didn't come to my mind earlier that Lady Sylvia and this playboy became a thing of the past? I shook my head, perhaps, that started this young man's tragedy because after they broke up, a lot of news spread around the empire.

First, the second prince almost drowned, the second prince contracted allergies, and he was almost assassinated in his sleep, but after he gained a relationship with another noble lady, that harassment stopped, only because the lady was from the Vercia household.

The Vercia household was a great ally of the emperor as well but also with the Grolden household. Lady Vernia and Lady Sylvia were best friends until this young man came to ruin that.

Even after he broke up with Lady Vernia, there don't seem to be many incidents regarding him now.

"I see, so you managed to be safe, through all those times," I heard him chuckle, and before anything else, he stood from his seat, and after a second, a shadow loomed over my being that the handles of my chairs were corrupted by his tight grips.

"You see, not everything in your eyes or the people's eyes as well as the rumors pertain to be the truth. Some were just tricky and some truths were just hidden away from the benefit of tricking who are the real enemies," his words went deep into my thoughts and when I tried to open my mouth, silent whispers of ashes came out.

"So don't expect to know something when I've told you before, you need to grow more," then he slipped away from my seat to his. He held the head of his chair but he turned his back to me as he looked at the closed curtains in front of him.

"You know what, you're the first lady who managed to capture my interest in a single glance"

"Oh please, don't talk as if I'm your first love or something..." After regaining consciousness, I could see no reaction from him as his back was stiff as a board.

But it only took him a few seconds before facing me with the same eyes I've held before for Klein.

"It would have been better if it was you that I should have fallen in love with instead of her," then after that, he walked away from my sight.

My eyes widened and because it was this young man, it was the second prince who held mysteries as well as secrets, I couldn't help but be drawn to him, but I knew that it was only based on my curiosities.

"Then who was the lady you've fallen for?" I asked but silence became his response

"When the right time comes I will tell you, but for now, here," he said walking in my direction and handing me a brown envelope.

I tried to open it but his hand went on my way as he leaned in closer to me and our eyes suddenly met.

"But before you open our contract, I have to ask you something"

"What is that?"


"Viona, where did you go?" Right after my deal and contract signing with Vaxius, I immediately headed home but I would never thought Klein would come.

"To the imperial household as the second-----"

I heard him sigh and grabbed my hand as he pulled me closer to him before I could finish my words.

"Would you want us to come to the market? I felt as if some bad thoughts were swirling in my mind right now, Viona..."

This Time, I'll Find My Own Happiness [HIATUS]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ