Chap 10: Got extra coats?

Start from the beginning

I carefully look at my table, underneath my table, behind my seat and then up to the jock who I didn't have a book for. Surprisingly he had a book with him. The same one I placed out for myself.

I watch the corner of his lips curl up holding a smirk. What a jerk.

I turn back to Mr Warren who watched me with impatient eyes. "I..", I stutter then suddenly a light bulb appeared over my head.

I brought out my sketch book quickly turning to the back and then scribbling some calculus on it.

Mr Warren returns to his table with a roll of his eyes. Five minutes into everyone painfully staring at their books Mr Warren excuses himself from the class with a plain warning.

"No noise and no movements". Smart move he made to actually lock the door.

As soon as he's footsteps disappeared the guy he took my textbook that I was supposedly going to look at comes in front of the class.

"So, who else is tired of being here?", He asks and four hands rises up so he looks at me, "Aren't you?", He asks.

"I don't think so, she's a nerd", the other jock says and I have no interest to speak anymore.

"Don't call her that", Noah says and the jock makes a tsk sound.

"And why are you siding her?", He asks Noah and instead of answering he turns to me.

"You tired princess?", He asks and I shrug.

"I guess", I say and I hear the jock snort.

"Is that your name princess?", He asks.

"Don't call her that", Noah warns with a slight glare.

"Then what should I call her?.. If I say nerd you say no now I say princess-

"Abby", Someone utters and so we all turn back to see buzz cut boy. "That's uh.. the name on her note book", he says and the attention goes back to me.

"Guess you're into her too huh?", The jock says and I look at Noah. He still has a glare out for the guy. I hope he doesn't think I actually like buzz cut boy.

I sigh.

"Okay so quick escape plan. The windows", he says and I'm half surprised when everyone starts getting up. Wait, they want in on this?.

"Okay someone go stand by the door first", the escape planner says and the other loud mouth jock goes over to the door.

I watch as the jock goes out the window first. "Hey uh.. here's your book", I turn to look at buzz cut boy who's handing over my note book.

"Oh um thanks", I say and it's genuine because he's the only person who actually came to return my book.

He nods then goes to the window. Noah walks up to me looking at where my eyes had been before looking back at me.

"I brought your books", he says then places them on my desk.

"Thanks", I say, and hear I was thinking only buzz cut boy was nice.

"No problem", he says and I put them into my bag zipping it up afterwards.

"Yo Noah come on", the jock who was keeping watch of the door taps Noah on the shoulder going to jump out of the window.

I notice the empty class. Everyone's out now, just Noah and I were in the class.

"C'mon princess", he says pulling me to the window. "I'll go first, okay?", He says and I nod.

Noah jumps out of the window landing on both feet. I wonder if I can do that. I take a look down. It's not too high but I don't really think I can jump besides I'm wearing a dress.

"C'mon Abby", Noah says then adds, "Toss your bag first". I nod then toss my bag out the window. Noah catches it not even blinking. Prospects of an athlete. I almost smile when he wears it over he's shoulders. Can't believe he did that with everyone watching.

"Okay now your turn", he says and realization dawns on me. I almost forgot that I'm actually jumping off a window. Oh my God.

"What.. what if I fall?", I ask with fright.

"You won't, I'll catch you", he says and at that moment everything seemed like a fairy tale. He looked like a prince and I actually looked like a princess but the moment gets ruined by the loud mouth jock.

"Are you sure? Cos she looks pretty-

He gets cut off by Noah, "Shut the fuck up Jackson". Jackson looks taken aback but then he just lifts his hands up in surrender.

"Whatever dude",

"What are we even waiting for? Let's just go", the other jock says just as I hear footsteps coming. Crap.

"Noah he's coming", I say and he's eyes widen.

"Come on let's get out of here", Jackson says and everyone else starts to run. Buzz cut boy looks hesitant but he tags along running away as well.

I turn to see the door knob turning. It wobbled as the key was being inserted. I turn back to Noah with fear in my eyes.

"It's okay just hide I'm coming for you", he says and I nod. I quickly run to Mr Warren's table. I kneel by the side of it ducking my head just as the door opens.

"What in heavens name..", Mr Warren trails off walking into the class. His footsteps starts getting louder so I gently crawl to the back of the table. I take a peep and I see him looking out the window. When I see him turning I look away. My heart pounds against my chest rapidly and I hold my breath. I hope he doesn't see me. Mr Warren walks away from the window so I move, getting under his table.

I catch a glimpse of his shoes and boy are those expensive looking shoes. How much does he earn here?. Do they pay them extra cash for detention?. Because it would be reasonable if they did. I mean, it's just like getting an extra shift in a coffee shop right?.

I hear him sigh, "This is why I hate detentions", he says then walks out of the class. I stay put for a while just in case he decides to come back.

"Princess?", I hear and in a hurry I move my head up totally forgetting I'm under a table so my head hits the bottom of the table. Ouch. I crawl out rubbing my head.

Noah walks in helping me up, "You okay?", He asks and I nod. "Come on, let's go", he says taking my hand and we walk to the door. He takes a peek first then pulls me with him. I follow his lead watching fearfully. Fingers crossed we don't get caught.

Just as we're about to walk into another hallway Noah stops us. "What?", I ask moving back with him.

He turns to me with a sigh, "We.. we have to run".

I'm not the best runner or even a runner at all, but desperate times calls for desperate measures.

I find myself running alongside Noah. I just hope I don't fall because if I do then it's over because there'd be no getting out of it.

When we get into another hallway we stop running. Noah's head moves quickly looking for a place where we can hide. Pretty sure he knows that if we continue going down this path we're gonna get caught.

He spots a door so he grabs my arm and we quickly walk to it. Noah opens the door and we get into the class closing the door behind. We turn and unfortunately it's not empty. A bunch of students wearing lab coats filled the place. They're eyes instantly fall on us.

"Got extra coats?".

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