Chap 8: Can't do this

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It's so sunny this morning which isn't good since I'm walking to school so now I'm literally drenched in sweat. It feels like a hundred degrees out here. It's those times where you wished someone would just stop by and offer a ride but today isn't included. It's not those days today.

I stop to pant and fan myself with my frail hands. They're so weak right now, well they're weak every other day though. I mean, I can't name one heavy thing I've lifted on my own. Now this does not relate to me being fat it's just about me being a full hundred percent lazy ass person.

I continue my overly long walk to school, it seems like a 100 miles now. I try to pick up my pace when I see the time on my phone. I'm so gonna be late for first.

By the time I get to school I'm a panting mess and my face goes by the colour pink, red and a bit of crimson on my ears. I don't even mind the disgusted looks that get my way as I approach my locker cause I deserve them. If I was a person and I saw me, I would be terrified.

I place a hand on my chest breathing down for a while before opening my locker to get my second period textbook. I've registered myself absent from first.

"Hey princess", a voice too familiar for me to miss says so I turn displaying my hideous yet colourful face to Noah. He's eyes slightly widen at my awful appearance. My hair is probably looking like that of a Neanderthal.

"Must be a huge one", he says and I raise a brow.

"What?", I ask utterly confused.

"The bus that hit you", he says and I render him a look which makes him shrug defensively. "Look at you, were you running here or something?".

"No", I say pulling out my textbook before closing my locker shut, "If you didn't notice it's so hot outside and I walk to school", I tell him and he mouths an oh.

"Shit, why didn't you text me?", He asks and I scoff.

"And for what exactly?", I take it as my turn to question him now.

"So I could give you a ride", He says and I almost laugh. Him give me a ride, like, what is this? A year ago?.

"You may have easily 'not' answered that text", I say and in my perspective I'm spiting facts.

He sighs but doesn't say anything. He shrugs my bag off my shoulders instead then carries it on his back.

"Let's go, we've got chem together", he says and I nod with a small sigh. He takes my hand in his and we start walking to class.

I could have cared about the stares but right now I'm just too tired to even put an ear out for all the whispers.

"Can you smile?", He asks and I look up at him.

"Hmm?", I hum.

"You look like who's gonna pummel someone anytime from now", he says and I crack a smile. He offers me a small one.

"Abby I don't want you to doubt me but it's like I haven't tried enough to prove to you that I actually care", he says just outside the class.

"You have it's just..", I trail and he pats down on my hair assuredly.

"You don't have to be on my side", he says then pulls me into the class. My anxiety instantly comes up and I'm panicking. I try to take my hand away from Noah's but he doesn't let me. His grip only tightens although he's careful not to hurt me.

All eyes on us. I can feel their eyes move from Noah to me then to our hands that are being clasped together. It's ok Abby, you don't wanna turn into a hyperventilating mess. Keep your breathing calm and your face down.

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