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we walked back to our hotel room, hand in hand, down the streets, Oscar had a few people come up to him for autographs but he didn't care if they saw us, together, holding hands. We weren't official but being this close with him felt great. Luckily after we kissed it wasn't awkward, it grew the bond we had which is exactly what i wanted.

We entered the building running back up to the hotel room, the time was close to midnight, but we were still both energetic, though my legs were saying otherwise. they felt like they wanted to collapse. we entered the room after about five minutes of searching for the key, which turned out to be in my back pocket. we laughed it off as we entered the room, it was the same as we had left it, a little messy but aren't hotel rooms always. 

i laid my eyes on the bags of spare clothes and pyjamas i had bought earlier after we had something to eat, since halfway through me realised neither of us had packed anything to sleep in since we hadn't expected to be staying over. 

i pried open the bag, as oscar seated himself on the edge of the bed, i picked my clothes for the night out from the bag, and turned back to him as i walked slowly over to the bathroom. "uh, i'm gonna go change," i informed, leaving with a smile, to which he nodded subtly at me. 

I stepped into the bathroom, locking the door behind me, breathing out and widening my eyes, with excitement. I looked to myself in the mirror, and scrunched up my face, silently screaming, like a giddy child. I couldn't believe the day i just had, it was everything, he was everything, to me. I composed myself and decided to actually begin doing what i came in here to do in the first place. 

i walked out feeling good in my freshly opened pyjamas. I always appreciated the feeling of new clothes especially new clothes that you could wear to bed. I looked over to where Oscar was sat, but an empty seat was in his place. Then i turned further looking up the bed, he was already snuggly under the covers, though just his lower half was. He had already chosen his desired side to sleep at and luckily for me, he hadn't picked my favourite. 

I walked round to my side, peeling back the covers before slipping my self in. i was still sat up, looking at my phone, as was he, before he yawned greatly, and reached over the plug socket beside him, putting his phone on charge, which reminded me to do also. I always forget to put my phone on charge at night, it may be the most conveniant time to do it, but not when you forget so i'm glad he did. 

I turned off my light and coincidentally he did aswell, at the same time. we both layed down, in the bed, i was facing away from him, towards the wall, which i supposed was of the bathroom. I could feel his breath behind me indidcating he was facing the same way also. 

Moments later, my side got restless laying on it, so i was forced to switch, to face him. His eyes were closed, his arm behind his head supporting it more than the one thin pillow was. he was breathing lightly, he looked peaceful, and i admired that in him. I found myself endlessly staring at himl and it put a little smile on my face as i did so, but also watching him sleep made me tired myself. I got lower on my pillow, i was now looking up at him, i was closer than before, close to him.

I supported my head with my hand, still looking at him, admiring him. Suddenly, i saw his eyelids flutter slightly, i panicked, my eyes widened, as he opened his eyes, though not fully. I don't think he was awake, i think he was just doing that thing everyone does when they're asleep when they wake up for a bit move around a little then fall back to sleep instantly. 

I stayed stationary, not wanting to create comotion or wake him up. Soon after his eyes drifted back down, but he was still getting comfy. He was still faced me but his arm had moved from his head, and was now rested upon my hand. It sent butterflies into my stomach as he did so. He was essentially holding my hand, it gave me comfort, so i held his back, but only slightly. 

I breathed lightly, i felt a little cold despite the room being warm, and the summer air outside. My arm crept around his waist, and my heart begun to beat a little quicker. I moved over, closer to him, and buried my head in his chest. I breathed out heavily, feeling safe, and calm. I begun to close my eyes as they felt heavy, but was almost brought back awake, when i felt the presence of his arm on my back, holding me also. 

Finally my eyes came to a close, which i felt a little sad about, since i never wanted this ,oment to end, but on the other hand, i knew there would be more times like this. 


a/n quick filler chapter as always, but not gonna lie this chapter is so bad, i wrote it really quickly so i could get on with it and start writing the next, so that i could finish this shortly since i'm probably not going to be as active and not able to write as often, so the quicker i get it finished the less worries i have. It should be fully done before the end of october !

976 words

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