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I arrived at the car where Oscar waited to pick me up so we could leave, i sat down adjusting the bottom of my dress as it had ridden up slightly during me sitting down. I looked forward adjusting my hair slightly behind my ear but infront of my shoulder, not hearing a word from oscar, nor did i hear the car starting so i looked to my side, my hair almost hitting me in the face which wouldn't have been pretty, i saw a flaboghasted Oscar, who looked as if he had just seen jesus before his very eyes.

"What," i said looking down slightly embarrased biting my lip, as my eyes were almsot buldging out of my head, though he didn't speak a word just sat and stared, before blinking and gulping ever so loudly.

"uhm nothing, you look, you, you look great," he was stuttering and blinking the whole time he was speaking, which meant either he was blown away by the way i looked or i was too overdressed and looked bad, and honestly i was just hoping it was the first thought. He turned back to the steering wheel, this time succesfully starting up the car, as i checked my makeup in the overhead mirror, and also sorting out the fringe i was developing in my hair deciding to use a black clip on either side to keep it from popping up.

i sat back, going on my phone which i had strictly told myself to stay off as it was low in battery and i hadn't had the time or chance to charge it whilst getting ready, due to my forgetfulness but also because i didn't think it was as dead as it was.


We arrived at the venue a comfortbale silence in the car ride the whole way until we got there, parked, a word from Oscar came out. "you ready," he said breathing out, like this was somewhere he didn't even wanna be there. "i guess," i said getting up to get out.

We strutted in together, i clutched my bag in my hand, nervous for no reason, but just felt like i should've been. We walked in i saw Lando first, dressed up looking nicer than he usually would, i hugged him before giving him a spin in my dress, trying not to stumble in the heels. "Don't be flashing anybody," he said which i comedically fake laughed at before walking over the the bar where i got myself just a water for the moment.

One of the other males attending that didn't look like one of the drivers so was just probably one of their friends or something, came up to me while i was sat on a stool at the bar drinking my pathetic glass of water, since i was not risking another drunk night and definitely not another one with Oscar. He sat on the stool beside me, ordered himself two drinks, sliding one over to me after tipping his glass at me, which i rejected happily before walking away leaving him scoffing in the bar, downing both the shots himself.

I went to find Oscar who was probably where ever Lando was so if i found hin, i found the pair. Luckily as i found a pretty Large table, i found Oscar sat at it, i presumed it was our Lunch table as other drivers had started to gather around it. I decided to hurriedly walk over before someone took the seat next to Oscar as there was no way i was going to sit next to anyone that wasn't my brother or Oscar. Fortunately for me i got seated right between them so no awkward interactions for me, but unluckily i was sat across from the guy who was trying to give me drinks at the bar, so i avoided even glancing at him the whole night and just stayed in the eye-line of the others, Lando and Oscar.
We were only on the main course after having the appetisers and i was already beginning to get full, but it was fine since all the food was absolutely amazing. Accidently i looked up, making eye contact to the guy across from me who was slyly winking at me and licking his lips like i was some kind of woman who would just instantly fall into his arms and let him take advantage of, i scoffed, looking back down to which i think Oscar noticed as my leg had begun to shake slightly and i was messing with the ring on my finger ever so slightly, i was nervous of what this prick would do if he even got a chance alone with me.
Maybe the dress i was wearing was a little revealing but maybe men like him shouldn't see that as an opportunity.

I felt a cold touch on my lower thigh, more toward my knee, i looked up to Oscar seeing him still looking forward talking to the Other Drivers that surrounded him. I smiled looking at him, and then looked back at the guy, who then looked at Oscar, and i nodded basically indicating that i was with him, which left the guy alone from me for the rest of the meal.
Oscar only came to a realisation of what he had done when he felt the warmth of my hand on top of his which was ice cold at first and got warmer as it stayed longer which felt so nice and comforting.

Once the meal was finished we were still completely sober, which kind of sucked if i'm being honest, maybe i regret not taking the shot, but anyway, the only thing we were was tired and if we were drunk we'd at least have high spirits about our tiredness. "Why was that guy eyeing you up at dinner," Oscar said looking toward me for a minute, while i was looking at my phone which had just lost the last of it's battery, "oh cause he bought me a drink at the bar but i refused it, so maybe he thought i was purposefully playing hard to get," i said so naturally it almost sounded true, though it was the furthest from.

"At least this time i won't have to help you back to you're room," he said moving on from the conversation probably bot wanting to talk anymore of the situation which was completely understandable. I laughed tiredly, wiping my eyes and yawning, before finding a comfy nook in the headrest where my head just sank in perfectly. The hotel was a bit away from the restaurant so i wanted some shuteye or i felt i'd completely collapse when we got there. "Wake me up when we get there," i said through a yawn which he giggled at before replying with an 'okay'.

@ LandoNorris

Caught in 144p 📸Mentioned: @ OscarPiastri @ GabiiNorizzLiked by @ Charles_Leclerc and 6,295 othersComments@ Charles_Leclerc ❤️❤️ Comment liked by @ LandoNorris@ user358 couple goals ✌️@ user290 why don't they just make it official@ user210 she's ...

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Caught in 144p 📸
Mentioned: @ OscarPiastri @ GabiiNorizz
Liked by @ Charles_Leclerc and 6,295 others
@ Charles_Leclerc ❤️
❤️ Comment liked by @ LandoNorris
@ user358 couple goals ✌️
@ user290 why don't they just make it official
@ user210 she's defo using him 🫤
a/n i'm loving Oscar and Gabi's relationship atm it's really booming, but will it get destroyed by Ollie 🤷‍♀️
1200 words

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