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It had been weeks, almost months since i last saw Ollie in person, but throughout this time, we'd been face timing and Texting whenever he wasn't racing, we had grown so close, though it was hard sometimes to keep in touch, when we're both travelling so much, me, because i got a photography job working at concerts and i had to travel with specific bands alot of the time and him, because he's always on planes, racing training, so really we haven't spoken in about a week or two.

A day ago, i got a call from Mclaren saying they needed an extra photographer since their designated one got sick, and had to take some time off, so i was their stand-in for as long as they needed, which was perfect, i got to see Lando more and hopefully see a bit of Ollie. Though i hadn't mentioned it to him yet, because i didn't know hen the next best time was, so i supposed i just show up and supprise him.


I had spent the whole night before packing for the next couple of days, so when i woke up i was so tired that i had to double check everything atleast 5 times before i left, since knowing my luck i would leave something important.

I had made it to the airport just slightly late meaning i had to rush through everything as fast as i could not to miss my plane. Luckily i had made it through all the security's and found my terminal just before bording was announced which gave me like, 4-5 minutes of cool down time before having to get on a plane.

Before i got on the flight, i checked how many races f1 had left until the summer break, and excluding sprints there was 2 left meaning two weeks of my requirement, being in Hungary and Belgium, so luckily i packed warm and cold clothes since i knew the climates there pretty well.

Unfortunalty the Hungary race wasn't on the f2 calender meaning i would have to wait until Belgium, next week, to see Ollie again, but just the thought of knowing i would get to see him again, was enough for me.


Arriving off the plane in Hungary, It was Wednesday, meaning i had atleast one day of chill time in such a fabulous country before having to fdo work. Luckily Lando had already arrived in Hungary before me, meaning he could pick me up from the airport and assist me in taking my luggage to my hotel room.


After notifying Lando that i was prepared for his picking up, i saw his car pull up outside the airport, i Loaded my luggage into the trunk and hopped in, but when i turned to my side, it wasn't Lando.

"Wait i thought Lando was coming to get me," I said Looking to him, as i placed myself on the seat of the car, buckling my seat-belt. I looked into his eyes, they looked happier than the last time i had seen him, and he had a chirpy glow about him, it was subtle but sweet.

"Lando had some work on the car to do, so he sent me instead and allowed me to take his car, under the condition i didn't scratch it," he chuckled, facing his eyes back onto the road, before pulling away from the airport. He held the steering wheel with one hand, the other rested in his lap. secretly i turned my phone and snapped a picture of him without him knowing, i looked at it dearly, before discarding it like the rest of my images.

"Do you even know where we're going?" I asked, as he looped around the same street twice, just to make sure he was certain of where we were going. "Of course i do," he responded with a defensive tone, almost offended sounding. I grabbed the phone that was resting on his thigh, making him slightly jump at my unnexpected touch.

"You don't have a password on your phone?" i asked him, supprised, as i entered it, showing his wallpaper just a white colour with nothing else but his apps scattered around, like the messiest home screen i'd ever seen. "No, i've got nothing to hide, and their annoying when i wanna get into my phone fast," He replied, justifying himself like he was defending with his life. Finally i found the Maps app and typed in the name of my hotel, and directed him the way, which was more efficient as we managed to get there after 5 minutes of my navigating.

illicit ⭐️- Oscar Piastri - Ollie Bearman-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora