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We srove about half an hour, taking little glances of eachother flusteringly along the way, also with a little bit of carpool kareoke when the right songs came on. Finally reaching the hotel, we stepped out smiling, holding hands as he walked me in and up to my room, like the gentleman he was.

We got to the outside of my hotel room, pulling out my keycard i opened the door, ichecked the time on my phone 7:01 it was already dark outside, and ollie's hotel was atleast another few miles and mine was closer. "Do you wanna stay the night," i asked twiddling my fingers whilst looking him in the eyes.

His eyes were a hazel shade of brown, matching the lightness his hair had taken over the days i had known him. "Sure, but where would i sleep," i pulled him into the room by his hand, shutting the door after him as he spoke.

"In my bed, we can share," i replied sitting on the bed and patting the place next to me as i took my shoes off. "What clothes would i wear," he asked taking the seat next to me. i stopped in my tracks before moving my shoes to the side of the bed where my suitcase was, which gave me an idea.

"I accidentally packed one of Lando's shirts with me, and he likes his oversized shirts so it should probably fit you, and you;ve already got sweats on so..." i said joyfully rumagding through the suitcase of all my clothes trying to find this one baggy T that i had accidentally packed. he giggled lightly at my finding skills before i pulled it out "Voila, looks like it should fit," I said to him, holding up the shirt, comparing it to the size of his torso as he began to take his shoes off also.

I went into the bathroom with my own PJ's to change into, which i did quickly not wanting him to wait. I wore a pair of grey shorts along with a blank tank top. When i came out, he was layed at the top of the bed looking at his phone, by now the time was well past 7 and almsot onto 8 and i was already yawning at the long day we had, but he seemed to be unaffected.

I felt his eyes looking at me as i packed away the used clothes in a different segment of my suitcase. Standing back up, i went to sit next to him on the bed grabbing my phone from the side table and dimming the lighting slightly as it was beginning to give me a headache.

After a good ten minutes of us both sat on our phones above the covers, i heard a yawn escape from his mouth, to which i did the same, making us both giggle and agree it was probably time to get to bed. I adjusted the lighting to it's lowest setting to the point it was almost pitch black the only thing lighting up the room was the moons light beaming from the outside.

we both layed in the dark facing one another the only thing in our vision was eachother. We stared into eachothers eyes with small smirks on our faces though still a good distance away from eachother. "What're you looking at," i said playfully, hiding my face in the covers.

"You," he said smiling, budging slightly to the edge of his pillow, which i did too. i could feel his breath on me just ever so slightly, it was a nice feeling, it felt like not being alone, for once. I blinked slwoly, wanting to just wrap my arms around him and hold him and never let go. He brought a hand up to my face, stroking it lightly leaving me with butterflys before playing with my hair, twilring it around his fingers before he pushed it behind my ear once again tracing the jawline of my face, before taking my cheek into his palm.

I held his hand that held my face before edging closer and closer to him, until we were centimeters apart. I looked down to his lips before placing a hand around him touching the back of his neck, stroking his scruff, though not breaking the eye contact.

I felt his breath on my lips, as we inched closer and closer. Seconds later i felt his lips on mine. It felt like fireworks were exploding inside of me, i had never imagined of such a passionate night and intimate days from coming to where my brother worked. It felt unreal, like it was a dream i was waiting to wake up from, but just never did.

After moments, i found myself laying on his chest, his arm wrapped around me with the other one rested ontop of my hair occasionally stroking it, sending me into a trance. I hugged him tightly before nodding off in the best way possible, laying ontop of someone i liked who i had only known for a few days though it felt like a lifetime, nothing could ruin it, what we had.

Ollie's pov

I Stroked her hair as she layed on my chest, dozing off every moment or so, though i knew she didn't want to fall asleep as she probably didn't want this moment to end, well i know i didn't.  Tonight felt magical i had gotten to lay my lips on her's, something i had dreamt of doing from the moment we met.
It was nearing ten, but i didn't feel like falling asleep yet, though Gabi was already lightly snoring, with her hands wrapped around my waist and her head rested slightly on my chest.

I decided to go on instagram seeing if there were any good new posts, i saw Gabi's photo dump of the day, mostly of the McLaren garage but one of our dinner, which sparked the memory in my head. It was something i never wanted to forget.
I saw a comment fron Lando and decided to check if i was following him, since i never really saw his posts on my timeline unless Gabi liked them also.
I realised i hadn't yet followed him, and began looking through his posts, but i stopped at his latest, a black and white image of two on a sofa, asleep and cuddling. Only one of the faces in the image were apparent and that was if his team mate Oscar but the other was a girl, hair colour was probably brown from the shades in the image, but when i saw the tags, it was crystal clear of whom it was.

It was like my heart had sunk into my stomach. how, had that even happened, they'd known each other a day, and they're already cuddling and sleeping on each other. I looked down to her and the realisation of what i had said cane back to me. I was in the same situation, this left my mind troubled and trembling wether or not she had done the same with him, gone out for meals, invited him into her room, kissed him.

I put my phone down trying not to think about it and just enjoying the moments i had left with her here, until she wasn't mine anymore. Well really she was never mine to begin with.

@ Ollie_Bearman
[via instagram story]

——————-a/n my motivation for writing this is getting more and more so at least 2 chapters a day! 1261 words

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a/n my motivation for writing this is getting more and more so at least 2 chapters a day!
1261 words

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