Sky diving

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Aru tried to think back to why she was about to jump out of a plane.

She vaguely remembered that Mini had mentioned going skydiving for her 18th birthday and Aru had jokingly agreed. Emphasis on the jokingly. But, when Mini's 18th birthday came it turned out she wasn't joking. And, after a long debate (which Mini won, obviously) Aru found herself tied to her promise.

Queue terrified Aru noises.

But despite her whining, Aru still found herself joining Mini in a parachute jump. And now it was time to face a 12000 foot drop. What fun.

With a quick glance to her left, she saw Mini grinning at her, buzzing with anticipation.

"Let's go!" She yelled over the propeller noise. Aru violently shook her head. She yelled it again and took a step towards the edge. Aru shook her head even harder.

Then, just when she thought her head would fall off, Mini grabbed her hand and yanked her out of the plane, jumping with her.

"Betrayal!" Aru managed to shout, before tipping over.

She was pretty sure her stomach was still on the plane ledge.

After a few, long seconds, Aru began to get used to it. Once she managed to stop spinning uncontrollably, it kinda felt like flying. (A/N I have no idea if this is accurate but that's what Google said...) That is until Mini started talking.

"Did you know that the average deaths to sky diving is 22 people per year?" Mini said half way down.  Aru started spinning uncontrollably again.

After 15 seconds of chaos, Aru calmed down enough to flatten out and let her parachute loose. They floated down gently, looking at the world below them. Everything seemed tiny from that view.

The ground drifted towards them and they landed gently in the landing zone.
Mini jumped up immediately,removing her parachute and helmet.

"We have to do that again!" She decided happily.

Aru rolled over onto her back and sighed.

"How does next week sound?"

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