Chapter 7

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Chan couldn't take it anymore; he knew something was happening. For the past two days, he's seen Changbin and Hyunjin avoid each other like the plague. He's not sure why but it was making his life a lot more complicated. He couldn't have them like this, they had their concerts starting soon, their album release coming up in another month and a half. Something had to be done. He needs to put on his leader hat and have a word with both of them. He's been stressed about everything that's been going on so the added stress was not doing well for his poor hair. 'I'm really becoming a dad, aren't I?' he frowns at that thought.

Chan gets up from his desk, grabbing his empty coffee mug and makes his way to the kitchen. As he enters, he notices Changbin sitting at the dining table, lost in thought. Chan looks at him worriedly, unsure about what was causing his friend to be so quiet. He's usually so hyper, loud, overbearing and at times, obnoxious but he'd take that Changbin over the quiet one any day.

"Hey Binnie" Chan says softly, making his presence known. He didn't want to startle the rapper.

"Hi Chan," Changbin replies, his voice lacking its usual enthusiasm.

Unsure of how to broach the topic, Chan decided to steer the conversation towards their work.

"Guess who was working all day at the studio yesterday?"

"Let me guess, you?" Changbin replies with a hint of amusement. Chan smiles widely, knowing that wasn't far from the truth but that's not who he was talking about.

"Well, other than me?" Chan asks again.

"I don't know Channie, there are so many people for me to narrow it down" Changbin says as he starts thinking about everyone that Chan would be impressed by to be working at the studio all day.

"It was Ji-Hyun. Did you know she's got an offer somewhere else? Apparently, she's leaving JYP on mutual agreement. She's been working her ass off before she leaves" says Chan, not realizing that Changbin had a thing with her.

Changbin was caught by surprise with this news. He wasn't aware of her quitting. They had spoken three days ago and she never mentioned it.

"What, really? When is she leaving? Where is she going?" Changbin asks Chan in a serious tone.

"I don't think she mentioned but she's moving to Busan. She said she's happy to move to her hometown, something about taking care of her grandma." Chan explains, sharing what little information he had.

"Oh, good for her, I guess. I wasn't aware that she had quit." Says Changbin, a bit dejected by the news.

Chan can see the sadness on Changbin's face. "What's going on Binnie? You don't seem yourself for the past two days." Chan finally asks, genuine concern lacing his voice.

Changbin hesitates before replying, carefully considering how to approach the subject. First things first, he was so lost about what he had witnessed three nights ago. He didn't know how to process the entire situation. He would like to think of himself as an openminded person but seeing his two friends in that state had shaken him to his core. The worst part was his reaction, that was very unsettling, how could he be aroused by that? For some reason, he can't seem to forget that scene no matter how hard he tried. It's been a constant replay in his mind. He was so ashamed about the entire thing that he's made it his mission to avoid Hyunjin at any cost. He could not face his friend with the weird thoughts going through his head. He had been so busy self-inflicting isolation that he didn't have time to message or talk to Ji-Hyun.

Speaking of her, that's the second topic he wanted to talk to someone about especially now with the news Chan had just dropped. The only person who even knew about her was Yeonjun. With Yeonjun being part of his first problem, he couldn't talk to him. Yeonjun, ever the perspective person had forced it out of Changbin about their little affair. He doesn't know if he could even call it that. If he had any type of affair with her, she would have mentioned about moving. He knows their relationship was very causal but it still hurts to find out that she's moving away without mentioning to him. If it wasn't for Chan, he doesn't know if he would have known at all. For Godsake, he was being so pitiful; he needs to man the fuck up. 

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