Chapter 2

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Hyunjin was lost in his thoughts as he emerged from the bathroom, only to collide with the boy who had been the subject of his recent wet dream. Seeing Changbin so soon after the dream caught him off guard, as Changbin typically slept in much later.

"Hyunjin-ah, took you long enough," Changbin groggily remarks, the remnants of sleep still evident in his eyes. The sound of Changbin's morning voice causes Hyunjin's stomach to flip like a small cartwheel, catching him off guard. He attributed his reaction to the unexpected sight of Changbin.

"Sorry, Hyung," Hyunjin meekly replies, stepping aside as Changbin hurriedly makes his way to the bathroom, unaware of Hyunjin's submissive demeanor.

Throughout their friendship, it had always been Changbin who chased Hyunjin, while Hyunjin would respond with snarky remarks. Their relationship had always been easygoing, and over the years, they had grown so comfortable with each other that they often engaged in playful flirtation. However, today it was clear that something had shifted for Hyunjin. The moment he saw Changbin, he realized he could no longer push away his feelings. He couldn't comprehend these emotions, uncertain if they held any significance. Yet here he was, unraveling at the sound of Changbin's hoarse morning voice.


Lost in his thoughts, Hyunjin sits on the couch, oblivious to Jisung calling his name.

"Hellooooo! Are you even listening to what I was saying?" Jisung exclaims, a playful smile on his face.

"What?" Hyunjin finally snaps out of his reverie, his attention now focused on Jisung.

Sighing, Jisung holds up the water kettle in his hand. "I was going to make some tea. Did you want any?" he asks, emphasizing his intention to heat up water. However, Hyunjin continues to stare at Jisung, failing to comprehend his words. "Tea?" Hyunjin questions.

Jisung looks at him with confusion, wondering if Hyunjin had lost his mind. "Yes, tea. What the hell is wrong with you today? What part of 'do you want some tea' don't you understand?"

"Shit, sorry. I didn't hear you properly. No, I don't want any tea," Hyunjin snaps, fully aware that he was being rude to Jisung. However, he didn't care. Today, Hyunjin felt incredibly frustrated, and Jisung happened to be the unfortunate recipient of his irritation.

"Whatever, dude. You don't need to be a bitch about it," Jisung mutters as he walks towards the kitchen. "What crawled up his ass today? He's more pissy than usual," Jisung mumbles to himself, making sure Hyunjin didn't overhear his comment.

Hyunjin should be feeling guilty for being rude to Jisung, especially when Jisung was kind enough to offer him some tea. However, Hyunjin didn't care. He was extremely frustrated today, having been awakened from a stupid dream just a few hours ago. What made him so frustrated was Changbin. "Fuck Changbin," he thinks angrily. He felt like Changbin could burn in hell for all he cared. Maybe he was being unnecessarily mean. After all, Changbin hadn't done anything wrong. His only crime was existing. Existing while looking so good with his natural curly hair while wearing his perfectly framed glasses. Hyunjin had no idea he would be having these thoughts about his friend, but he couldn't stop them. It was like a flood gate had been opened.

"What's wrong with me? I've never thought about these things before. Why do I suddenly find Changbin hyung so attractive?" Hyunjin wonders.

In frustration, Hyunjin screams and hurls the nearby pillow across the couch. The relentless stream of unnecessary thoughts was driving him to the brink of insanity. "I can't handle this anymore," he mutters to himself. "I need to visit the Calm Lair. They'll help me escape from these thoughts." Resolute in his decision to forget about his troubling dream, Hyunjin rises from the couch and strides towards the entrance of their house. Slipping on his shoes, he steps outside and makes his way towards the house where Minho, Felix, Jeongin, and Seungmin reside.

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