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"Hmm Man this book is quite interesting what did dad say it was about again" He looked at the book questioning it as he looked at the back cover and read it was an ecchi Book as felt his cheeks redden up as he slammed the book shut as Izuku Looked down at the floor Of the shed as he decided to train one for all and his magic for the day

Unbeknownst to him the door to the shed had a little Watcher his own little brother Rudeus

'Oh It's my older brother What's he doing in the shed I haven't been able to see what he's been up to due to my mother' he thought while peering through the Slightly ajar door staring at his Brother Training? He sort of mocked his brother 'Eh What's he doing o-' Then Red Veins showered the body of his older Brother as he stared in Bewliderment shocked as to what he's just did

"Alright Looks Like I can use a solid 3% of One for all" He mumbled out as he felt the familiar strain on his bones and body as he then started casting His healing magic on his own body damaging it and repairing it at the same time making a tiny bit stronger with each couple seconds as Then Practiced some light sparing against a wooden dummy as he readied himself Letting his mind subconsciously Coat his arm in a water like Mana feeling giving just that tiny bit of extra kick to his punch which when he struck the dummies body and he utterly destroyed it as a whole which shocked him and unknowingly Rudeus as well

"Ah there you are Rudy What are you doing in Izukus Shed" Izuku then heard his dad's voice as he turned around and saw rudeus his baby Brother at the door as he was shocked 'He was there the entire time!?' He felt sweat start dripping down his head as he saw Paul enter the shed along with picking up Rudeus as the same time and as he looked at his Eldest sons direction he saw the destroyed wooden dummy

"Huh Well well would you look at that it looks like my eldest sons going to become a great swordsman" He then heard a loud slap as Paul held his head as he let out a pained yelp as his mother a Lilia as he was shell-shocked by the amount of people coming into his private domain which made him glow red in the face making him look like a cherry as he heard Paul laughing at his embarrassed look while giving Rudy to his mother who held him in her arms as they all looked at him stuttering

"Well Looks like you managed to use touki Son And you'll be training with me from now on got it and not in this dark Room of yours we start Tommorrrow" He saw Paul leave without Hearing his response as Zenith His mother looked on at him with comedically sad face as she mumbled out "Why couldn't you have been a mage Izu my baby is taking after your Barbarian of a father" He heard a loud Yell from somewhere outside but from rudeus Shock

'What was that was that...Magic?' He wondered if he could learn that And learn he did Reading from the book his older brother had in a small room inside the main house as he heard the grunts and Pained yells his brother let out as he struggled against their fathers brutal training 'Izuku My Dear Brother I Pray for you' He silently prayed for his brothers survival despite taking place the day after he was sentenced to train with his father

Now in the perspective of Izuku we see him currently Clashing with wooden swords As both People were shirtless and sweaty "Cmon Son we'll train like this for as long as we have too" Paul then noticed his wooden sword was cracking slightly as he felt the pressure Slowly being exuded onto the sword as he 'Izukus touki Is some of the most potent I'm almo-" izuku then cut his thought off by A fist to cheek knocking him backwards somewhat

"Don't get too distracted father" Izuku felt his a smirk slowly come to his face as he saw Paul rub his cheek massaging to attentively as he looked back at his son who seemed to be happy 'Your gonna be a real monster you know that Son I can just tell from this' he slowly approached his son as he rubbed his frosty white hair making Izuku turn a embarrassing shade of Red on his face as he turned away making Paul chuckle a bit as he took a moment to Let the feeling settle in as small spark a flame of pride sprout in his chest as he he grabbed at it the skin of his chest stopping him but that was fine he felt it still

Heroic Reincarnation [Deku X Mushoku Tensei]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat