Chapter 6: Traders and Dreams

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Cyra/Chaos's POV

It's been a few weeks since I saw those other dragon riders, but so far nothing much has happened. 

Right now me and Star Gazer were landing in the woods behind the Northern Markets. I normally didn't come here often because it was a hot spot for thieves and dragon hunters, but I needed medical supplies and other things and this was the best place to get them.

As I got off Star Gazer and removed my helmet, the star fury gave me a worried look.

"Don't worry girl." I reassured her as I pulled a piece of cloth out of my bag, "I'll be in and out. No problems."

The dragon was still unsure, but let me go anyway. I smiled at Star Gazer and scratched under her chin before walking to the market. Before I walked in, I took the cloth I was holding and tied it around my head. It was thin enough for me to see through, and made it so no one could see my face. Even though the dragon hunters thought Cyra was dead and would probably see me as just some girl walking by, I wasn't going to take any chances.

I quickly walked through the busy, dragon hunter infested markets, gathering everything I needed. My conversations with sales people were kept to a minimum and I avoided any thieves who got too close to me. Everything was going smoothly, or so I thought.

After about 30 minutes, I was almost done and ready to leave this place. 

"This is enough socializing for a year." I muttered to myself as I checked to see what was next on my list. 

Sadly, my hopes were ruined when I heard a familiar annoying voice in the distance. As I passed the docks, I saw Trader Johann telling his stories to anyone who'd listen, and that wasn't many. I groaned and turned my head, hoping he wouldn't see me. I always hated Johann for 3 reasons; one because he always talked too much and asked too many questions, two because he could never stay on topic and was always boring me with stories, and three because my gut hated him. 

I hated Viggo, but I still held up my promise about listening to any feelings I had. And over the years, they've gotten stronger and have never been wrong. They have even saved mine and others lives. I've always trusted my gut, no matter what.

Thankfully, I made it past the docks without Trader Johann seeing me. The last thing I needed was Trader Johann bombarding me with stories and sales on stupid things I didn't need. I was about to head to my next stop when suddenly someone behind me yelled, "Ah, Chaos Rider! Just the person I've been looking for."

"Kill me." I thought as Trader Johann walked up to me.

"What do you want?" I grumbled as I turned around and faced the senile sailor, "And don't tell me your latest story because I don't want to hear."

"Actually, I've been hoping to run into you for about a week now." Johann said, "I've been asked to give you a message."

"Well hurry up with it. I have more important things to be doing other than listening to you go on and on." I said.

Even though he was stupid, Trader Johann could tell that I was getting impatient with him, so he decided not to test his luck, "I heard that you met some other dragon riders just the other day."

"'met' is the wrong word. I didn't engage in conversation and I don't even know there names."

"Well, they are non other than the Dragon Riders of Berk. After seeing you in action, they wish to speak with you about working together in there war against Viggo." Johann explained.

"Wait a minute, Berk is a Viking village. Don't vikings kill dragons?" I asked suspiciously.

"At one point yes, but they changed and learned the truth about dragons. I could give you the whole story but as you said earlier, you don't have the time for that."

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