0.06• Sherr

48 9 0

Epigraph- Treat others how you would want them to treat you. Put you're in their shoes, not literally.

I wasn't thinking when I showed that video and it's bad as it is in a professional setting. I'm so done.

The way the boss looks at me was murderous. It was so intense that I looked away to hide the fear in my eyes.

How will I go to his house today. I need to speak with Godmother... Mommy.

The video continued and for the most of it, only my back was shown.

Just like my home, the guest area was made of board.

Five rooms with bunk beds, shelves and one lighting. The long varandah is rectangular as the house and at the very end is the two restroom built with concrete, male and female. The varandah was furnished with hand crafted chairs and tables, plants in cute clay pots and an hammock.

Knowing what's next to come of the video, I rushed to pause it when Mister Health spoke.

"What's the hurry, Miss Dreame?"

I could only smile and stepped away from the computer, gestured to my antics.

The video was directed away from the guests are to see the view of the afternoon sunset as well as our farm.

"That view is breathtaking." Miss Williams claimed and I nod.

"What type of farm is that in rows?" Tristen inquired.

"Pineapple." I answered and saw their amazement.

With my tongue in my jaw, I watched their reaction to the next best thing. I turned away from the view as Monique puts the camera on me. An out in the perfect lawn yard, I sprinted and did two back flicks, landing on my feet like a gymnastic.

"Wow." Someone whispered aloud.

"Show off." Monique said in the speakers while I laughed.

"Fawud Monique! Mih have the breadfruit tree fih climb before it gets dark. Mih need roast breadfruit fih add tu mih ackee fih breakfast..." I ended the video

Then all eyes focused on me so I finished the presentation, showing a graph.

"The Dreame family products are more than just five senses, it's intuition. An that being said, we only started this business twenty years ago and already has over three hundred loyal customer."

The pink and blue representing male and female. Seventy percent males interest in boosting there sex drive and thirty percent of females successful in fertility.

I went through the other graphs as well.

"I'm here for the opportunity to advertise, share and provide our creation to those in need. With years of experiences and miracles, by God, failure is not an option. Thank you all for your time."

They clapped and I didn't bother looking at the boss, I took a seat with the eyes still on me and a deep blush on my cheeks.

I packed my computer away but that's when the things we're passed to me I shook my head.

"Oh no. It's on the house if you like. I just need everyone's feedback on it.

"Thank you." Plenty said happily.

Boss happen to be having a stare off with Mister Grant about the powder mixture so I got out my phone.

He had left his phone number on the paper I got with the passwords to his house so I send a text.

-I got another at your home if you like.

It made a small noise and he took out his phone, smiling when he saw the text.

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