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Ephemus spoke up, suggesting that we should begin drafting regulations based on Durin's research and past incidents. However, Thalorin immediately voiced his concern, emphasizing that we shouldn't rush into regulations based solely on Durin's data and past incidents. Instead, he recommended that each of us assemble research teams, similar to Durin's, to investigate the composition of elixir distributed in our respective territories and its possible side effects on our races.

Durin agreed with Thalorin, acknowledging that conducting such research would indeed be time-consuming. His team had spent four months investigating elixir samples and the causes of past incidents, yet they hadn't fully understood the unique side effects that affected dwarves. Completing comprehensive research of this nature would take months, if not years.

I weighed in, acknowledging the validity of their concerns but emphasizing the urgency of the situation. "It's true that conducting extensive research will take time," I began, "but if we delay regulation, these incidents could become more frequent and exacerbate the situation. This is especially concerning if elixir distribution continues to grow."

The room fell into thoughtful silence as we considered the complex challenges ahead. Each leader understood the importance of striking the right balance between thorough research and timely regulation. Our collective goal was to protect our realms and ensure the safety and stability of our supernatural world.

Orion, the Nymph King, proposed a sensible approach. "Instead of regulating both elixir usage and distribution immediately," he began, "we should focus on regulating the distribution first. This can serve as an interim measure while we conduct the necessary research. These regulations should be sufficient to minimize the incidents. What do you all think?"

Ephemus, the Spirit Leader, readily agreed, his shifting hair colors reflecting his consent. Seraphina, the Witch Leader, followed suit, her eyes shimmering with determination. The rest of the leaders, one by one, voiced their support for this approach.

Seraphina turned to Thalorin and made a suggestion. "Thalorin, as one of the leading races in elixir discovery and distribution, it would be wise for your people to take the lead in this effort. I recommend that you halt all elixir discovery facilities and exports for the time being." The other leaders nodded in agreement.

Thalorin, with a solemn expression, assured everyone that his race would comply with the request and refrain from exporting and seeking elixir while they conducted their research.

As the discussion continued, we reached a unanimous agreement: no race would permit the export or import of elixir. Each leader pledged to implement measures to restrict elixir distribution within their territories. It was a temporary solution, but it was a crucial step in addressing the elixir issue while allowing for the necessary research to take place.

With the agreements in place, I felt a sense of accomplishment. It was a collective effort to address the elixir issue, and I was proud to stand among these leaders who were committed to safeguarding our world. I decided to propose a plan for the future.

"I believe," I began, "that it would be wise for us to reconvene in three months' time. During this meeting, we can discuss the findings from our respective research efforts. What do you all think?"

Lira, the Siren Queen, readily agreed, her melodious voice filled with enthusiasm. Durin, the Dwarf King, followed suit, as did the others. Thalorin then volunteered to host the next meeting in his territory.

With this agreement in place, Durin concluded the meeting, expressing his appreciation for everyone's dedication and commitment to our shared cause. One by one, the leaders bid their farewells.

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