Ch 3: A Discussion About Marriage

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It's now monday, and Y/N had to go work, I teleported us to a park near his workplace, after we said our goodbye, I teleported back home

I decided to visit Y/N in his apartment after he finished work. I had been thinking about our marriage all day, wondering what Y/N would say about it. I needed to know if he was willing to stay married to me or not.

As I arrived at his apartment, Y/N opened the door and welcomed me in. He seemed surprised to see me, but also pleased. I explained that I came to talk about our marriage and he agreed to discuss it.

We sat down in his living room and started talking. Y/N told me that he was still processing everything that had happened. He couldn't believe that he was now a part of the supernatural world and had magical abilities. I could sense that he was nervous and unsure about our marriage.

I reassured him that our marriage was not just for my benefit, but for his as well. He was now stronger and had access to magic. I explained that he was not just a regular human anymore, and that he was now a part of a special community.

Y/N listened attentively and seemed to be considering my words. After a moment of silence, he asked me what would happen if we decided to annul our marriage. I explained that it would be a painful and difficult process. The magical bond between us was the strongest bond that could be created, and breaking it would require a lot of magical power.

Y/N seemed to understand the seriousness of the situation, but he still seemed hesitant about staying married to me. He asked if there were any benefits for him if we stayed married. I explained that he would be stronger than most humans and would have access to magic. He could also be a part of the supernatural world, which was something he had always been fascinated with.

After some more discussion, Y/N said he needed some time to think about everything. He told me that he would come to my house when he was ready to talk more about our marriage. I agreed to his request and left his apartment, feeling hopeful that he would eventually come around.

As I walked home, I couldn't help but feel nervous and worried. I didn't want to force Y/N into anything he wasn't ready for, but I also couldn't bear the thought of losing him. I knew that I had to be patient and give him time to come to his own decision.

The next few days were filled with anxiety and anticipation. I waited anxiously for Y/N to come to my house and tell me his decision. Finally, on Thursday evening, Y/N called me and asked if he could come over.

I was overjoyed to hear from him and told him that he was welcome to come over anytime. I spent the next few hours cleaning and preparing my house for his arrival. When he finally arrived, I greeted him warmly and invited him in.

We sat down at the kitchen table and Y/N looked at me with a serious expression. He told me that he had been thinking a lot about our marriage and had come to a decision. I held my breath, hoping that he would say yes.

Y/N took a deep breath and said, "Maya, I've decided that I want to stay married to you."

I felt tears of joy and relief welling up in my eyes. I hugged him tightly and thanked him for his decision. I knew that our marriage would not be easy, but I was willing to do whatever it took to make it work.

As we sat and talked more about our future together, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Y/N's decision. We had a long road ahead of us, but I knew that we could face anything together as husband and wife.

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