Ch 13: Learning to Control the Black Flame

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It has been almost a month since y/n started learning magic from me. He has been making great progress, and I am proud of him. He has learned how to use defense and healing magic, and his mana control has improved significantly. Now it is time for him to learn how to attack.

I tell him about the black flame, which only a handful of supernatural beings can control. He looks worried when I mention it, as it is a powerful and dangerous magic. The black flame won't go out until the thing it burns turns to ashes. But I assure him that he can use it since he possesses my magic. I warn him that it will be a challenge, but I know he can do it.

We start the lesson by going to the forest behind our mansion. There, I show him how to gather mana and focus it into a ball of black flame. The black flame is different from regular fire; it is hotter and more intense. I tell him to be careful not to let it burn out of control.

Y/n concentrates, and I can see the magic flowing through him

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Y/n concentrates, and I can see the magic flowing through him. Slowly but surely, a small black flame appears in his hand. He looks at it with wonder and amazement.

"Now, try to make it bigger," I tell him.

He closes his eyes and concentrates harder, and the black flame grows bigger until it's about the size of a basketball. I watch in amazement as he controls the flame with ease, moving it around and shaping it into different forms.

I explain to him that controlling the black flame is not just about manipulating the fire but also controlling his emotions. The black flame feeds on negative emotions like anger and hatred, and if he cannot control his emotions, the flame could consume him.

We continue practicing for several hours until he can control the flame without too much effort. I am impressed by his progress. But I remind him to always be careful and to never let his emotions get the best of him.

As we walk back to the mansion, I feel proud of my husband's progress. He has come a long way in just a few weeks. It's amazing how much he has learned and how much he has grown as a person.

I know that y/n has the potential to become a powerful sorcerer, but he must continue to practice and hone his skills. I am excited to see what the future holds for him and our family. Together, we will face any challenges that come our way.

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