Ch 5: Committing to the Marriage

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As we continued our discussion about our marriage, Y/N expressed his commitment to our union. He made it clear that he wanted to be a faithful and loyal husband to me and wouldn't tolerate any form of cheating. I could see the sincerity in his eyes, and it made me happy to know that he valued our marriage as much as I did.

I assured him that I felt the same way and told him that cheating in our magical marriage would have severe consequences for the cheater. The bond that we shared was incredibly strong, and any breach of trust could have dire consequences for both of us. Y/N nodded in understanding, and I could tell that he took our commitment seriously.

We moved on to discuss the practicalities of our marriage. I explained to Y/N that I was actually a vampire queen and didn't need financial support from him. I had plenty of wealth and resources to sustain myself. However, I did need his blood at least twice a week to survive. Y/N didn't hesitate to agree to this, and I could sense that he was eager to do whatever it takes to make our marriage work.

We also talked about food. I explained to Y/N that I could digest human food, but it wasn't as nutritious as blood. He nodded, understanding the importance of blood in my diet. We agreed that we would enjoy meals together, but I would still need to feed from him regularly.

Y/N then asked if he should continue living in his apartment or move in with me. I suggested that he live with me as it would help our marriage progress better. Y/N agreed, and I could see the excitement in his eyes as he thought about the prospect of living with his wife.

As we wrapped up our discussion, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having Y/N as my husband. He was kind, caring, and committed to our marriage. I knew that we would face challenges along the way, but I had no doubt that we would overcome them together.

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