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Sun is bright, winds are blowing, flowers are dancing. I was walking in this unfamiliar garden. I'm not sure why, but it still kinda relaxing.

Until a white dog with orange spots start running towards me and jump at me causing me to lose balance and fell on the grass.

"Ok ok haha wait. Its ticklish haha waiit" I said while struggling to dodge him.

He sat in front of me, tail still wagging and tongue was on the side of her mouth dangling.

" Who are you? What's your name little pup? Where's your owner ? " I asked the dog as if he'll answer my question.

While cooing this little snowball in front of me, I notice someone running towards me. Sun is bright so I cannot see her face but her figure is stunning. She's wearing a short shorts, sleeve less top and her hair was tied up in pony tail. She's getting closer and closer while saying something but I cannot clearly understand it. I was sitting there, mouth slightly open, focus on her face to see what she looks like but as she's getting closer... Someone slap me!

"Whee!! Wake up we're late!!"


I jump out of my bed and run to the bathroom, I take off my pajamas and take a quick shower. It's the first day of school and it's not a good impression if we're late. We're finally in college!

I was fixing my bangs when someone knock at my door.

" Whee let's go! They're waiting for us ! " Byulie unnie said while fixing her tie.

" Chill unnie. I'm almost done, let me just get my things " I said while getting my phone and keys.

I take a quick look in the mirror to check my bangs then wink at myself before going outside.

Byulie unnie was waiting in her car. I hop on the passenger seat and fasten my seat belt. She wasted no time and drive as fast as she can so we can arrive on time.

We park infront of the campus where our friends are waiting for us.
Me and my highschool friends manage to convince our parents to enroll us in one school with a condition of We will not cause any trouble.

I'm confident about me not causing any trouble. This 3 in front of me, not sure tho 😏

" Finally! " Lisa said while stretching her back.

" Blame her! It's 7am and she's still snoring " Byulie unnie said while taking a sip of Jeongyeon's coffee

"I'm sorry ok!" I said feeling guilty but annoyed when I remembered that she slapped me.
"My face is still red from your slap" I said and give her a death glare.

" Hahaha ow our wheepup is angry " Jeongyeon unnie said while pinching my cheeks

" Yah! It hurts ! " I lightly slap her hand while she's still laughing

We all met when we're still in highschool. I met the three of them when I transfered to our school for sophomore year. They already know each other since freshman.

" That's enough. Let's go we'll be late " Byulie unnie said while force feed me the remaining bread in her hand. I pout at them while they all laugh.

We walked in the building and the minute we stepped in, eyes were glued to us. Well not to me actually, they were all looking at these three pretty, handsome, long legged creatures beside me as if they we're a celebrity or what.

Well it's not new to me because way back since highschool, these three were popular on our campus. Lisa and Jeonyeon unnie is part of our basketball team and Byulie unnie is part of the soccer team. We're all part of a band as well but being the drummer, with this height, i think no one pays attention to me.

I sigh. We didn't pay much attention on the murmurs around us and went straight to the feild where the orientation is held.

We manage to find seats all the way up on the bench. Well this is good considering the fact that it's hot at the bottom and less crowded up here. We always sit quite far from the crowd because I always feel uncomfortable.

The program starts and the three beside me are not interested at all.

I was peacefully spacing out when a familiar voice ringged in my ear.

" Goodmorning SNU students! My name is Ahn Hyejin member and leader of our beloved cheering squad! If you're interested please approach our booth over there. Thank you! " she said with so much enthusiasm on her voice. Her face is still the same. Her hair is different tho but it makes her more stunning. She still has this long shallow dimples everytime she smiles.

I didn't notice that my eyes were still glued to her until Lisa tap me and gave me soda. " You ok whee? " She said while munching her sandwich.

" Y..yes I'm fine. I'm fine.. " I said, not sure if I was convincing her or I was convincing myself that I'm fine.

I sigh and drink my soda straight numbing my mouth, throat and chest. you're going to be fine whee. I said to myself for a million times.

It feels like it's been a long day but when I check my watch, It's still 10am. Oh boy! It's going to be a long fvcking day.

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