Chapter 9 - Quota

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After that incident, you had returned to the factory the next day. Estelle was napping in your office as you were taking a call from a corporate representative.

"Good afternoon, I'd assume you're the Manager of the Rainbow Factory?"

"Yes, why? I'd assume this is for the yearly festival in Home?"

"Yes... the government requires a certain amount of rainbows for this year's spring festival.

"Alright, how much?"

"200 gallons, and our volunteered aerial administration unit will cover actually putting the rainbows in the sky."

200 gallons? God damn, they're going all out this year. Running the calculations through your head, that'd be about seven rainbows. You'd have to amp up the weekly production batches by about 70%.

Hearing your silence, the representative spoke.

"We are offering quite a generous reward for doing such. Not only will your factory keep a positive public eye, but the compensation for your work is quite handsome."

"How much?"

They read off the number, and you smiled to yourself. Perfect.

"Well, I'd say we have a deal." You said, after a moment of consideration.

The representative chuckled, and spoke again.

"See you Friday, then, my friend."

You gave a little "mhm" before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Then, you walked down to the break room to get some coffee. That's when you heard the quick clicking of a pair of shoes, and a child giggling.

A child? Estelle?!

She must have woken up and left your office! Rushing out into the hallway, an employee was sprinting down the hallway as well, and you could hear Estelle's laughter down across a bend in the hall. You stopped them, curious.

"Sir, mind telling me what's going on?"

"Your kid took my lab coat!" They cried, a tone of irritated injustice to their voice. "She just snatched it and ran!"

You rolled your eyes, sighing. You motioned for the worker to follow you, and you walked down the hall to find Estelle clutching a lab coat and trying to catch her breath.

"Oh, hey, p/t!" She said cheerily. "Guess what?"

"Oh, I don't think I need to guess. Mind telling me why you have this individual's lab coat?" You asked sternly, and her smile was replaced with a look of anger.

"Well, they deserved it! They were talking bad about Mr. Walden, and you too! If they don't have anything nice to say, they don't need it!" She crossed her arms and frowned. You turned around to face the worker, and they seemed quite guilty. It was an unspoken rule not to speak of Walden after his supposed 'death'.

"Boss, I- I don't know what she's on about, really."

You turned back to Estelle.

"Apologize to this individual and give them their lab coat back."

She sighed, walking up to the worker and handing them their lab coat.

"I'm sorry for taking it..." Estelle mumbled, then afterwards returning to your side.

"Don't worry, sweetie, I'm gonna have them apologize to Walden, too." You said to her, then looked over to the worker.


They looked absolutely terrified as you placed a hand on their shoulder.

"Stella, sweetpea, go back to my office and color for a while. Don't go anywhere until I come back, I promise this won't take long at all." You referred back to your daughter, and she nodded. As both you and the worker walked away, she stuck her tongue out at the back of the worker's head, muttering "Not sorry!" Before scampering away, back to your office.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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