Chapter 3 - Wrath

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(Your author father is now stepping in to say QUIT EATING GLITTER GLUE OR UR GROUNDED, and by grounded I mean ur gonna lose Walden privileges for a chapter. By the way, Silvertail is Estelle's last name from her old bio family. This is important.)

You were peacefully filling out paperwork when someone knocked on Walden's- erm- your office door.

"What do you want?" You snapped, annoyed. You wanted to work in peace.

"It's about your daughter..."

Okay, now you were pissed. You opened the door, staring down the scientist on the other side.

"If my daughter is hurt in any manner, any at all, I will make sure everything you love shrivels and dies before you. I swear that on everything good in this world."

The scientist seemed terrified now.

"Well... erm... she... she ran away, and we couldn't catch her... and..."

Forget a scorned woman, hell hath no fury like a parent betrayed.

Especially in the Rainbow Factory.

You didn't even have the words, just cold rage as you stared down the scientist still.

"I hope to god you find her before I do, because if you don't you can say goodbye to your life."

You snarled quietly, shoving them out of the way to start sprinting down the halls, grabbing the walkie-talkie from your belt to send a message.

"Security, new target. Name is Estelle Silvertail. Status, locate and guard."

Afterwards you stowed the walkie-talkie away, sprinting down to the Production floor.

She was always told not to go there, so that's the first place you're gonna look.

You searched the Production floor top to bottom, and panic began to tighten your chest as your mind raced with so many horrible possibilities.

What if someone threw her in the grinder?

Experimented on her?

Put her in the Pegasus Device?

You shook your head, no panic attacks for today. Your walkie-talkie beeped, an incoming message.

"Security to Manager, the target has been located."

"Bring her to the break room, I'll be there as soon as possible."

Arriving at the break room, Estelle looked quite guilty as she looked at you, multiple Security guards standing around her.

"Hi... p/t..."

"Estelle... why did you run away again? You know you have to have someone watching you while I'm at work."

"They were being mean! That's why I tried to go to Poppy, she's better!"

Okay, now you were royally pissed. You dismissed the Security guards, then crouched down to her level. You're not gonna tolerate some egotistical scientist being rude to your daughter just because they don't like you.

"How were they being mean, dear?" You asked her empathetically, and she sighed.

"I heard them talking about how they didn't wanna be hired here just to babysit me, they called you names and used mean words that I know you don't want me to say because they're not nice..." She said slowly and gingerly, seeming anxious to admit it.

"Okay. I'll have a talk with them, you won't be with them anymore, I promise. Do you wanna go down to my office and get some paper, maybe you could color Poppy a picture?" You offered, and that seemed to cheer her up.

"Yeah! It's gonna be so colorful, she's gonna love it!" Estelle gave you a hug before dashing off in the direction of your office.

Then to find the scientists that upset your daughter.

With help from Security, you found the trio of employees that had done what they did, attempting to escape the facility. Approaching them, you said,

"Fine day for a failed escape, isn't it, my friends?"

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