Chapter 6 - Dire

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(According to dodozoi, the creator of rf wally, he lives in a fucking mansion. And is rich as hell. Soooooo my conclusion is that he's a material girl💅/j)

You had taken Estelle and driven to Walden's as quickly as possible, you honestly didn't expect his house to be that... grand, you suppose? It was basically a mansion, but then again, he was the owner of the Rainbow Factory, what else are you supposed to expect?

Pulling into the driveway, you saw Walden sitting in a chair on his porch, legs crossed as he flicked ash off of a cigarette.

"Oh my goodness, mister Walden's house is so cool!" Your daughter said, wonder in her voice as her legs were swinging out of pure happiness.

"Yeah, I know, right?" You replied, flashing her a smile through the rearview mirror as you parked, getting out to open the door for Estelle. She hopped out, and you took her hand and began to walk calmly over to Wally, even though every fibre in your body wanted to run to him, to get answers, to either slap him or hug him, and you weren't really sure which one was gonna happen just yet.

"Neighbor." He said, wisps of smoke visible with his words, eventually tiltng his head away from both you and Estelle, sighing out the rest of the smoke. At that, Estelle gave him a dirty (or as dirty as a five year old can give) look.

"Hey, Wally." You said, and you tried to smile as Estelle took in her surroundings.

"Hey. Come on in, we don't have much time." He offered, putting out his cigarette and flicking it away.

You had so, so many questions.

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