14. Soul Survivor

Depuis le début

"For all you know, you could be killing me," Dean said.

Sam frowned. "Or... You're just messing with me. Either way, the lore doesn't say anything about exceptions to the cure."

Dean chuckled. ""The lore." Hunters. Men of Letters. What a load of crap it all is! Oh, you got nothing?"

"You want me to debate you? This isn't even the real you I'm talking to."

"Oh, it's the real me, all right. The new real me -- the me that sees things for what they really are. Winchesters. Do-gooders. Fighting the natural order. Let me tell you something -- guys like me, we are the natural order. It's the way it was set up."

"Guys like me still got to do what we can."

"Don't be so full of yourself, Sammy. 'Cause, see, from where I'm sitting... There ain't much difference from what I turned into to what you already are."

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"

"I know what you did when you went looking for me. I know how far you went. Crowley told me all about it. So let me ask you... Which one of us is really a monster? Hmm? Starting to come back to you now?"


In a bar, Lester was drunk.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Lester wondered. "It's like my life is over. Thank you. Bitch. I should've seen it coming. Why doesn't anything ever work out for me? Huh?"

"Hey there," Sam greeted.


"Sounds like things have been a little rough on you lately, huh?"

"Rough? My wife kicked me to the curb."


"We haven't had sex for four months. Four. Well, not that—not that she hasn't been having plenty... with a guy in her bowling league. Guy with tattoos. Did him right there on the kitchen table while I was at work."

"Man, that's uh... That's cold."

"Now all I think of is revenge. Payback. But that's not gonna happen."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. It is possible that you can have your revenge. I mean, hell, it's possible you can have pretty much anything you want."


Dean continued. "You were trying to get a twenty on Crowley and me from any demon you could snag. But Crowley didn't want to be found, and no one showed when you summoned. But you found a way, didn't you, Sam?"


Sam buried a box, covering it with dirt, glancing around the crossroads. He motioned to Lester and said, "All right. Stand right here. When I say so, read the words off the paper."

"A—are you sure about this?" Lester asked.

"Yeah, trust me." He walked behind some bushes, crouching down. "All right. Go ahead."

"Okay, um... Demon esto subiectus voluntari—"

"Tati! Voluntati."

"Oh. Voluntati."

"Who summons me, and for what purpose?" the crossroads demon asked.

Sam stood as Lester walked towards the demon and said, "Kill my wife..."

"Lester!" Sam called.

"And my soul is yours."


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