meeting him

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I walk into my managers office and sit down on the chair in front of his desk. "I understand that it must be hard losing your last patient but we all know that it happens sooner or later, I think it would be good for you to pass out panflits around town since you need more patients and so do some of the other nurses." He says. "She was my favorite. I'll go give out panflits." I reply. He puts the stack of panflits on his desk, I take them and leave his office. I hop in my car and sigh in relief. "Aleast today will be easy." I say. I drive around town, knocking on doors and giving away the panflits to old people or people who have elders that would be better in a nursing home or need a nurse at there house to care for them. As I walk up to one of the older houses I get a weird feeling in my gut. I knock on the door and the person who opens it is a tall chubby old man with messy grey hair and beard. He looks down at me with an irritated look. I hold up the panflit for him to grab. "I'm handing out panflits for a local nursing home, I can give you more details if you want." I say nervously. He moves out of the doorway and holds out his arm to invite me in. I walk into his large house and he guides me to the living room. I sit on his couch and he sits on the recliner parallel to it. "Most people don't like nursing homes cause they think that they'll have to move but at the one I work for you can choose if you want to move or if you want a nurse to come to your house." I say. There's a long silence as he just looks at me without replying. "There's a list on the panflit for the nurses that would visit you and there's a list of nurses for if you want to move. I'm on the visit list." I say. I point out my name on the list. "Just in case you want to pick me, you can also go on our website to see our reviews." I say happily. There's another long silence as he examines the panflit. "If you have any questions I could answer them." I say. He shakes his head and continues to peruse the panflit. After a he finishes reading he guides me back to the door. "Just call the number when you decide what to do." I say before he slams the door. "He's not gonna call." I say sadly. I sigh and walk back to my car. I hand out the rest of the panflits and clock out. I unlock my apartment door and sit on my couch. I have comfortable finances and make a good amount at my job. My apartment house isn't a ghetto one and is quite nice and clean. I heat up a microwave lasagna, put my headphones on and pick a YouTube video. A few minutes into my dinner I get a text from my boss. "You have a new patient, I'll give you information tomorrow." It says. "Ok." I reply. I finish my dinner and video and go to bed. The next morning I get dressed and head to work. I once again go to my managers office. "Did I only get on patient?" I ask. He nods. "His name is Kenneth slaughter, he lives at *insert address* and he's 76." He says. "Seventy six isn't to bad, he should be an easy patient." I say happily. "Let's hope so." My manager replies. I drive up to the address and see that it's the old mans house. "So his name is Kenneth." I mumble. I knock on the door and he answers again. I walk in and look around the house. "I'm required to clean the house so I just need to see how much I'm gonna have to do today." I say. I walk around the house with Kenneth following behind me. "Its not that bad, I've seen alot worse but those patients were much older than you. This place just needs to be dusted really." I say. I look Kenneth up and down. I see that he's kinda unkempt.  "Another one of my responsibilities is to make sure my patient are clean, I should have enough time after cleaning the house to bath you." I say. His face gets a slightly shocked expression. "I mean if you can wash your body and hair yourself you can, I'll just set your bath and get you a towel and clothes after." I say. He looks away. "You don't need to be embarrassed if you can't, I'm used to bathing my patients." I say. He nods and walks away. I grab my cleaning supplies and clean the house from top to bottom. Kenneth looks shocked at how clean his house is now. "Welp, now that the house is clean it's the owner's turn." I say jokingly. We walk upstairs to the bathroom. "Where's you shampoo, conditioner and body wash?" I ask. He shakes his head. "You don't have any?" I ask. He nods. "I'll go get some than." I say. I quickly head to the store and come back. "Do you like a hot or cold bath?" I ask. He shrugs. I set the hot bath then look up at him. He looks at me confused then his face drops. He unbuttons his overalls. I look away. He gets completely naked then gets into the bathtub. I wash him up and dry him off. I put fresh clothes on his bed then drain the tub as he dresses himself. I sit him on his bed and brush his hair and beard. I put his dirty clothes in the washer and make him an early dinner. He sits down at the dining table. I move his clothes to the dryer. After he's done eating I wash the dishes then fold his clothes and put them in his dresser. "The first day is always the busiest one, after that it's much more calm." I say. We both sit down on the couch. "Only 30 minutes left on my shift, I should get ready to leave." I say. I try to get up but he grabs my wrist and forcefully pulls me back onto the couch. "I'll be back tomorrow, I just don't com on weekends." I say. He let's me go and I grab my cleaning supplies and put them into my car. I bring Kenneth to his bedroom and put him to bed. I clock out and go to bed at my apartment.

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