Troy: Naw it's all good I see we both done grew up my wife just had her baby not to long ago.

Zac: That's whats up congratulations to you as well 

Troy: Well I ain't going to hold you we should link up 

Zac: Sure take down my number I will hit you up 

Troy: Alright beat ya'll take care 

Fatima: He seems nice

Zac: Yeah Troy is hella cool and hilarious we started barber school together. He's the only that actually kept me on track and pushed me to finish so I could have something going for myself after going to prison.

Fatima: Why didn't you stick with it 

Zac: It wasn't my passion 

Fatima: I can understand that once I have Zaya I am going to stop working at the law firm. I have been finally getting all my thing lined up for my own business.

Zac: That's good 

Fatima: I was scared at first but I know God didn't bring me this far to start fearing now. My business is going to flourish and take off

Zac: It most definitely will be you are bomb at what you do. I think it's time you don't want to be stuck as Andy's assistant when you are just as great as her or even better. Nothing against Andi 

Fatima: Yeah Andi has taught me a lot over the years and now it's finally time to spread my wings and start my own plus we already got the office space that I haven't put to use yet.

Zac: Yeah that we still paying the bill on

Fatima: We making money though I rented it out to this hairstylist until I am ready to use it 

Zac: Okay smart 

Fatima: See it's not a total lost

Zac: Did the jog help 

Fatima: Yeah it surely did now lets shower and get ready for this appt.

The midwife got to the house early so she could set up everything. Fatima was excited to check on babygirl. She's been real active lately 

Holly: Good Morning Fatima and Zac how are things going I see you all got moved in okay 

Fatima: Things are going great I was a little tight this morning but we went  for a jog and that helped 

Holly: Okay good dad have you been giving the massages as needed 

Zac: Yes I have that and more

Fatima: Really Zac

Zac: What I hear that helps the baby to stay active while in the belly

Holly: You are exactly right. Okay lets check for the baby's heart beat 

They heard the little thumps on the monitor 

Holly: Heart beat is great right now she will probably be about 8lbs

Zac: That's huge 

Holly: Yeah that just means she's been nurtured well in mommies stomach 

Fatima: Well I was a huge baby 

Zac: No me I was a crack baby 

Holly: Oh I'm sorry 

Zac: It's all good look at me now 

Fatima just shook her head Zac always made light of his childhood. 

Holly: Okay we got 4 weeks left and baby girl will be here. As we get closer to the date I will be coming 3 times a week just to make sure we don't have any changes. We will have a backup plan just in case we always want to be prepared

Us Against The WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora