(5) Stay Omega Stay

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                "Did you ever find your parents?" I asked, curious if she had managed to be reunited with them the same way I was reunited with mine.

                "Yeah." She said softly, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "My mother died of cancer, and my father died a month later from a broken heart. They both apologized to me and I couldn't help but forgive them."

                She paused, letting out a little laugh. Perhaps she thought it was ridiculous that she was crying in front of me. I can't imagine both my parents dying, even if I had just met them. There will always be a place in my heart for my parents, it must shatter someone's heart to lose that puzzle piece.

                "That's the thing about family." Savannah brushed her tears away messily, her green eyes slightly red when she looked at me. "Sometimes you can forgive them for the things they're done."

                I understood her in more ways than she could imagine. It still hurts to imagine I was used in some sort of deal, and the fact that my kidnapping succeeded. Forgiveness was the first step before I came here, but realizing my parents were suffering themselves was enough. I didn't want to torture them with hate, they had been doing that to themselves.

                "They helped me though." She grinned, as if the entire conversation hadn't gotten her upset. "They told me I had a cousin."

                "What was his name?" I asked, realizing she was waiting for me to say something. "Did you know him?"

                "Malcolm, he was Zaire's Beta's son, and Trixie and Jeremy's Beta." Her face darkened. "He went missing almost ten years ago."

                "You've been looking for him?" It wasn't hard to figure out, but for some off reason I was very interested in this man. The name sounded familiar, yet it wasn't at the same time.

                "He grew up with your mom, but he was involved a lot with witches. He tried helping your mom but..." She paused to think. "I guess he just got in trouble."

                "Why do you think he got in trouble?"

                "Maybe Ayana wasn't the only person who knew about you being born and your importance to the wolves. She could have told someone."

                "The big question is, who?"


                Lucian came in a few hours later in a tired daze. When he saw me, his face lit up with happiness, and he leaned down to kiss me before strolling over to the coffee maker. Savannah gave me a playful smirk before gripping her mug void of any tea and left the room. I smiled at her retreating figure and looked back at my mate.

                He was leaning against the counter, his green eyes sparkling with mischief. His black coffee was steaming beside him, his arms crossed over his muscular chest. I bit my lip as I continued to notice how incredibly handsome he is. There are no words to express how lucky I got with him as my mate.

                In just two strides, Lucian was in front of me. The playful look was gone, and I could see the worry clear behind his eyes. I knew was he was going to say before he even said it, and I dreaded it. This conversation wasn't something I was going to be comfortable with.

                "You scared me." By his words, I could already feel a weight being pushed against my chest. Tears filled my eyes, and guilt was eating me away.

Stay Omega Stay (Book #3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ