The Calm Before the Storm

Comenzar desde el principio

"Will your pretty little sounds agree to that?" His mouth fell agape and his eyes widened. He began to stand up from his bed and back away from me. I couldn't help but smile as I moved toward him. Before I knew it, I was chasing him down the hallway. When we got to the end, I pressed him against the wall and trapped him between my arms.



Jun P.O.V

"Hao, What do you want to eat?" Hao shrugged his shoulders from the living room couch. "Then bring your ass in here and decide." He chuckled before standing up and walking toward me.

"What's the point of having you here, hm?" He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"So that I calm you down when your parents start talking about how much they hate me." He rolled his eyes.

"Right. Well, if it means anything, I love you." I smiled at his sweet words.

"I know. I also know that we should be here than with my parents." His smile dropped at the mention of my parents. I could understand why. My brother was still a fresh wound to them and they were greatly pissed off when they found out about Hao.

"We could just always go back to school. I mean, Kwanie and Vernon are there. We won't be alone."

"We've been here less than a day. If anything, it will just piss your parents off more."

"You're probably right. Let's go find something to eat." I nodded at his words before following him to the kitchen.



"My mom loves you more than me." I whispered to Shua. We were sitting at the dinner table with my parents and they were going on about something from work. Shua chuckled lightly at my comment. He shook his head and leaned in to whisper back.

"No she doesn't. She's just thankful that you have someone who makes you happy." He chuckled again when I pouted at his words. "I promise baby, that even if I'm her favorite, you'll always be mine." He said, before wrapping his arm around me. My parents were looking at us when I looked up again.

"You guys seem to be getting closer these days." My mom said.

"Yeah. Have you proposed yet, Josh?" I started choking on my water when I heard my dad's words. Shua busted out laughing and started to pat my back. After I finally calmed down, Shua turned his attention back to my parents.

"I would love to but he would have to stop being scared of loving me first."

"I'm not scared of loving you. I'm scared of losing you.." The atmosphere became serious at my words.

"Don't be, kiddo. Josh will always be with us. That, I'm sure of." My mom spoke with a sweet smile as she said those words. Shua turned to me and nodded.

"You'll never lose me. I'll always be by your side and holding your hand, sunshine. It's been my job since we met and it will stay that way till we die of old age." My dad clapped his hands lightly.

"It's settled then. Except his love, kiddo."

"He already knows I love him, dad."

"Problem solved then." My mom said. "Let's eat before the food gets cold." Shua placed a kiss on my temple and after that, we finished dinner in silence.


Jeonghan P.O.V

Cheolie was lying on my chest and we were trying to watch a movie but failing. He had a frown on his face as he tried to understand what the characters were saying.

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