Arc 1 Chapter 8: Wandless Magic

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Y/N also took a sip from his mug. "I haven't really used magic all too much since our fight with the Death Eaters in Hogwarts last year." He said quietly. "Just a few small spells here and there when they're really needed."

"How? If you've got no wand then—"

Y/N interrupted him by snapping his fingers. Instantly his coffee froze over until all that remained was unappetizing brown ice.

Neville stared.

With another snap of his fingers the coffee melted, reverting back to a liquid. The steam rising from the cup indicated the coffee was hot again.

"Wandless magic." Neville breathed. "I always knew you were capable of it... Hell I've even seen you use it sometimes but that's always been during the heat of battle. You can do it willingly now? Outside of combat?"

Y/N grimaced. "Somewhat." He answered. "Small-scale spells are easy. You know, the stuff we learned at Hogwarts during our first year. I can maybe get away with a few second year spells but it takes a lot of energy."

"And L/N's Fire?" Neville enquired. "I know you can conjure it wandlessly but — has this newfound wandless skill improved your... mastery of it?"

Y/N stared off into space for a moment. "I haven't really tested it." He said eventually.

"This is exciting." Breathed Neville. "Your wandless magic is good enough for you to be without a physical wand for... how long's it been since the battle at Hogwarts?"

"Around a month." Said Y/N.

"Fast progress." Neville grinned.

"Don't get your hopes up." Warned Y/N. "This... newfound skill isn't why I stopped using a wand. Or a staff for that matter."

"Why then?" Said Neville.

Y/N pinched his nose. "I guess I'm just sick of magic."

Neville was stunned.

"Sick of magic?" He repeated, flabbergasted. Was there even such a thing?

Y/N stared at Neville for a moment, before downing his still-hot coffee in a single gulp. "Come with me."

* * *

They both apparated to Diagon Alley. Neville took in the bleak, empty stand-ins for what were once some of the most colorful and whimsical shops he'd known in his childhood. To see all the boarded up windows, bolted-shut doors, and shady street vendors left a vile churn in his stomach.

He followed Y/N down the street, past Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and Knockturn Alley. Finally, they reached what appeared to be just another broken-down shop, long since abandoned after Voldemort's return.

"This was the shop of a friend of mine." Said Y/N. "Business was going well after I sold him the rights of my portable Portkeys. Shame Voldy popped up when he did. This shop really could've gone somewhere."

The door was boarded up, but a single kick from Y/N sent it crumbling to the ground. As they walked into the shop, Y/N jerked a thumb over his shoulder, gesturing to the door he'd just broken.

"Fix that for me, won't you?" He said. "Got no wand, and all."

Somehow Neville felt as though Y/N could have mended if just fine. But he pointed his wand to the door nonetheless and whispered. "Reparo."

The broken pieces of the door reassembled themselves. Wooden planks boarding it and all.

"Such an underrated spell, that one." Said Y/N, leading them further into the shop. "It doesn't just fix things, you know. "It erases all remnants of the person who broke the object in question. It's kind of like an obliviate but for tangible objects rather than memories. Our own miniature time-travel spell."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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