Arc 1: The Mortalitas Assembly - Chapter 1: The Overground

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Authors Note:

This is the seventh instalment of this male reader series. What started as a typical male power fantasy set in the world of Harry Potter has developed into a story that I am proud of.

I want to thank all of my readers for sticking with this series for the last three years. This series could never have gotten to the point it is now, without you all, and for that, you have my eternal gratitude.

I am uncertain of how long Deathly Hallows will be in total, but I can confirm that it will be a lot longer than the other books, as there's a lot I need to fit into this last book.

And so the book will have three primary arcs, each with its own title, to break up the enormous events in the story.

Without further ado, please enjoy the Deathly Hallows.

Arc 1: The Mortalitas Assembly

Chapter 1: The Overground

A hooded figure sped through the streets, passing the unmistakable roundel of the London Overground, barely catching a glimpse of the name 'Whitechapel' emblazoned across the symbol as he fled into the station and down its immediate stairs, fumbling for his travel card.

This particular station was relatively filled with people. He highly doubted he would be followed here.

As the small ticket gates opened for him, he hurried into the admittedly rather filthy station, its hideous beige walls covered in various human-sized advertisements for movies of the likes of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Muppets Treasure Island.

He came to a halt as he approached the Platform that would take him to West Croydon, anxiously locking eyes with the black billboard/screen that presented the arrival times of the trains with bright yellow LED lights.

West Croydon - 3 mins

He was confident that his assailant had not followed him into the station, but just to be sure he reached into the pocket on his oversized coat and placed a pair of small, circular and frameless glasses upon his face, giving the area around him a quick survey. Satisfied, he pocketed the glasses and pulled out a small Nokia 8250, its blue screen stood out against its cool grey chassis and blinked as he dialled in a number.

"I'm being chased," he said into the phone, in a voice that was not youthful. "Currently boarding a train to West Croydon from Whitechapel and requesting immediate assistance. Please bring someone who can Apparate, if you can. Will send an update regarding the station I get off at soon."

After he hung up the call he pocketed the phone just in time to see the train approach. There was a bit of a scuffle as multiple people attempted to board it at once, and he found himself pressed uncomfortably against a sea of people inside the train.

But while some may have been disgruntled at such a predicament, the man found himself breathing a sigh of relief. The multitude of people here meant he was otherwise safe from his assailant. Or at least, safe from his assailant's weapon.

The train travelled smoothly, stopping at a few stations as it did so. The man wasn't sure which station to get off at just yet, he'd have to do so soon - because oddly enough many people were getting off the train in bulk with every station they stopped at. Not enough for it to look out of place, but more than enough to suggest foul play. The trains never cleared this quickly during the peak of rush hour.

The Deathly Hallows - Harry Potter Male Reader InsertUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum