Arc 1 Chapter 2: Ellie's Amnesia

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Floating above her, pearly, white and slightly transparent, was a young girl of around eight or nine years of age. She had long, wavy blonde hair that fell down her shoulders and the largest green eyes she'd ever seen.

What could only be described as a ghost girl was beaming at her.

"Hi!" the ghost greeted with all the enthusiasm of an exploding firework. "I'm Ellie!"

There was a momentary silence as Ellie gathered her bearings before promptly letting out a loud "GHOOOOSSST!" And hurling her Gameboy right at the said ghost.

As one would expect, the handheld sailed right on through the transparent girl, smacking against the wall on the other side.

On any other day the sound of her beloved GameBoy almost certainly breaking would have sent her into a frenzy of panic, but no sooner had the device hit the floor after the impact was she already grabbing for something else to throw.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" said the ghost, throwing up her hands and waving them in surrender. "Hold on just a minute!"

A rather thick book sailed through the ghost next. She let out what could only be a pretty discontented sigh, but it went unnoticed by Ellie, who was now shouting.

"What do you want?! If I upset you while you were alive I'm sorry! But I've got amnesia and -!"

"Er - sorry but -"

"I've been dreading the past actions of whoever I used to be to catch up to me for ages now! But doesn't it seem kinda unfair to haunt me for something I don't even remember?"

"Um -"

"I suppose from your perspective it doesn't really matter, but have a bit of empathy will you?!"

"I'm not here to haunt you!" the ghost said in a raised, but not impatient voice.

Ellie faltered. "Come again?"

"I'm not here to haunt you. I don't think I'm even a ghost... not really. I'm more of a - of a -"


"Hmm... not quite..."


"Not exactly..."


The ghost perked up for a moment before sagging into a depressed droop.

"Not exactly a soul either. But I guess it's the closest thing."

There was a rapid thundering from outside the bedroom door as someone bolted up the stairs in the hallway. Ellie didn't have enough time to earn to ghost to hide before Andromeda opened the door with present panic.

"Ellie! What's the matter? Are you okay?"

Ellie jumped, flailing her arms very similarly to how the ghost had been earlier.

"Andy! It's - er - it's not what it looks like

Andromeda looked confused as she surveyed the room.

"What's not what it looks like?"

It was Ellie's turn to be confused.

"She can't see me." the ghost said, making no bother to whisper. "No one can."

Andromeda's eyes fell upon the broken GameBoy across from the two of them. She sighed.

"That gadget has been getting you all riled up ever since Dora got it for you." she scolded. "You need to have a better hold on your temper."

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