"Better late than never." I laughed, "It would never come until you showed your true colors. You will continue to use me and I wouldn't even know."

"Who would deliberately break the heart of the person they love?" He asked sadly, leaning to get a clear look of my face but I scoffed and rose from my seat.

"It wasn't love, Zaniel. Just your urge for power blended with the desire to have me."

"Cinzel please listen... it's not what you think, I truly connected my heart."

He tried to call me but before it would turn into melancholia, I walked away without paying heed to it, knowing to an extent, it could prick my soul badly.

Living here was going to be hellish...


It had been a month since I came here, everything was bearable for me, from Sky's assistance to Zaniel pleas, they happened from time to time.

But, what tortured my soul endlessly by immeasurable intimidation was Prince Sir's presence and because of it, I tried my best to avoid him.

Sleeping early so I didn't have to face him. Hiding somewhere in the palace to stay away from him.

He was the deadliest and the time came where I couldn't run away anymore.

He came early, no excuses left for me to leave him.

Me and Sky were playing hide and seek, it was my turn, my eyes were covered, "I will find you."

Giggling I tried to follow her footsteps and ran but instead fell upon a hard figure, "Who-"

My breath hitched when I saw Sir looking down at my timorous form, leaning lethally closer, snatching my senses and elation the moment he noticed it was there.

"Welcome home, Papa! Me and Cinzel are playing." Sky grinned.

"I can see that. Well, good luck in playing." He moved to my ears, whispering his vehement words which held my body captivated by dread.

"And don't you dare to sleep. We need to talk."

Cold sweat formed over my forehead, tightening my breath around my neck to strangle me. Nodding, I immediately pulled away from him.

He hummed and left. "What's happened, Cinzel? Come on."

I forced out a smile and continued to play with her but soon I prayed to prevent him.

After dinner, I didn't have the courage to face him alone, my mind severely afflicted by the intensity, My weak legs gave up on me, I couldn't go.

I thought staying with Sky could save me so I dared to defy his order and went to Sky and began to tell her a story.

Please don't come. Please don't come. Please don't.

As the time passed, I began to feel a little relieved but it didn't last longer as he came, I almost gasped at him.

The pissed expression on his face was very telling about my deed which is going to bring nothing but ultimate anguish.


"Yes, Papa?"

"Cinzel has to come with me. You go to sleep."

"But the story is not finished." She pouted.

"I will complete it myself on Sunday, Okay?" He offered, sending daggers in my direction.

"Really!? Yay!" She chirped, hugging him.

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