He held her hand tightly in his to stop her from moving back and stopped when there was an inch gap between thier faces. He looked into her eyes and found the same level of passion and love in her eyes. His body went cold and he felt goosebumps arising on his skin when Meerab caressed his hand softly and then intertwined these fingers together.  His strong hand took her into a new world and she felt herself lost in his touch. She forgot her insecurities when she felt his touch after a month.

He looked into her eyes and gestured towards her lips asking for permission. Yes, the contract is already broken but still, he doesn't feel right to move forward without her permission in this condition. He knows a few restrictions which include lovemaking but he is unaware of many things as he couldn't get time. Meerab nodded and opened her lips to let him kiss her.

(A/N: Sorry for not writing kiss in detail. For me, they are decent actors and I can't write this bold moment imagining them)

Murtasim broke the kiss when he felt her hold on his hand and hair. He held her by her shoulder and noticed her looking at the ground panting heavily. He noticed her red cheeks but couldn't see her eyes. He lifted her chin to make her face him and when she looked at him and found desire in his eyes she stepped forward and hugged him hiding her face in his chest to ignore embarrassment. She didn't know how she felt weak and how suddenly they kissed. She got flashes of lonely nights when she used to miss her husband, even though sometimes Aneela used to sleep with her but nobody can take the place of a husband and his touch is always different from others.

"I missed you ", Meerab said when her breaths became normal and her heart urged to tell him how much she missed him

"I missed you too my love", Murtasim said and kissed her cheek and then broke the hug. He made Meerab sit comfortably. Also, she woke his desires he is facing difficulty in holding himself just because of her pregnancy. He has a desire to come over to her and claim her body but he is scared to take any risk because of thier baby.

"Wow, you are changing. This time you confessed that you missed me I'm happy", Murtasim said and sat beside her taking her hand in his. She looked at him and found him smiling and wondered how can he be happy at such a small moment. She felt bad to interrupt but now she trusts him enough to open her heart. She put her head on his shoulder without removing her hand from his hold.

"I hate this change Murtasim. I want to stay strong and independent Meerab forever but your love is spoiling me. Can you accept the way I am? Your pampering will make an independent Meerab turn into a dependent one. Just like I'm becoming. I can't do anything myself alone and this belly. Please don't stop loving me because I'm turning fat", Meerab asked and bit her tongue realizing while talking about her being independent she asked him to be with her. That she knows she needs to mention otherwise she would have felt that he didn't come here because she is not slim anymore.

"I have already accepted you the way you are. Don't overthink because this is not healthy for our baby. I love my stubborn Meerab and don't care how you look and this is a symbol of our lo...", Murtasim said and stopped in the middle when he was about to say love but couldn't as he was unsure about that day. Was that because of love or lust and jealousy?

"Maybe a mistake or whatever but we love our baby and didn't our baby play as Cupid", Murtasim said and kissed her forehead after bending a little as her forehead was on his shoulder which made it easier to kiss her. Meerab nodded with a smile as she felt his love and kissed his shoulder to show her love for him. She is afraid to confess her love but she will let him know her feelings indirectly for sure.

"Then smile because I love you the way you are and you don't need to act as a good wife but please stay with me forever. And every husband does these gestures to keep his wife happy and this is your right. I also depend upon you and love this habit. I love helping you and showing my love to you", Murtasim told

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