Li Zan said: "International politics."
The soldier shrugged and asked Li Zan: "I heard that you cleared out all the small strongholds of terrorist organizations in the east of the city?"
"Almost." Li Zan said.
"However, there are still a lot of them. The war lasted for too long, and the victims were displaced. In order to earn commissions, they joined terrorist organizations."
"That's the case."
"I am from Cangdi, and I joined the rebel army in order to fight terrorist organizations." The soldier sighed and said, "At that time, only the rebel army in Cangdi had the strength to fight against terrorist organizations. The government troops didn't even know where they were.  "
Li Zan smiled slightly, refused to comment, and turned to look at Song Ran.  She nodded slightly to indicate that she remembered the soldier.
The world of little people is always more tortuous and three-dimensional than imagined.
After passing the checkpoint, walk a few more streets and arrive at the Beicheng residential area.
There has been fierce fighting in the south city of Cangdi for more than a month, but people in the north live as before.  People and cars are coming and going on the streets, buses are running; students are coming in and out of schools; banks and restaurants are open; clothing stores, digital stores, supermarkets, and bakeries on both sides of the road are also open as usual.  However, supplies are somewhat scarce.  Song Ran went into the supermarket to check around. There was very little meat, almost no fresh fruits and vegetables, and many products on the shelves were out of stock.
There are quite a few customers in the bakery next door, waiting in line for freshly baked rye bread.
Song Ran went over to inquire and found out that many people only eat one piece of bread a day.  You can't make it at home. Water, electricity, ovens, flour, butter, and eggs are all expensive. 
A middle-aged woman sighed during her interview: "Last year I could still maintain a living, but this year there are frequent water and power outages, and prices have skyrocketed."
Song Ran judged her tone and asked, "Do you think it would be better if the government troops didn't come?"
The middle-aged woman spread her hands with a very embarrassed expression: "If I could go back to before the war overnight, I would be very happy. But this is impossible. Last year, my life was still manageable, despite the anti-military rule and high taxes.  , there is still tyranny, but I can maintain a living. But now Candi has become a mess, and we are suffering. I just lost my job yesterday, and the future is dark."
Song Ran visited around and found that most people held a similar negative attitude.
She walked from the street to the end of the street, found an angle on the side of the road, and took a panoramic shot of the street.  She took a deep breath and kept her face quiet.
Li Zan stared at her for a while and said, "You can't blame them. Survival is the instinct of animals."
"I know." Song Ran raised his head, brushed his hair that was blown by the wind, and said, "I just feel at this moment that it's strange that this street is actually very beautiful."
Li Zan raised his eyes and looked over. This was a very ordinary street.
The old buildings and the newly built houses complement each other, and all the shops on the street are open.  Traffic lights alternate between green and green, and pedestrians stop and go following the lights.  Students are carrying schoolbags to catch the bus, couples are entering shops arm in arm, and there are people reading and writing in cafes.
In the past five months, he had not seen such a street scene.  An ordinary street scene.
He said: "Yes, this street is very beautiful."
In the face of ordinary life and trivial life, what is the meaning of war, right and wrong, pros and cons.
Fresh life beats everything.
Song Ran adjusted the machine on the tripod and said: "When I was in school, our world history teacher said that people are essentially prisoners of the environment. Most of the time, people will choose to be obedient. This is understandable, because often in major situations  In the face of changes in events, the power of an individual is insignificant." She smiled, "However, because of this, I am even more moved."
"What moved you?" Li Zan looked sideways and found that her hair had grown longer, so he naturally picked a piece of hair and pinned it to her ear.
She looked at him.  Under the sun, his face was as clean and gentle as ever.
She said: "I am moved that there are always some people who can go against the biological instinct to do some very difficult things and choose a very difficult path. It allows people to see a light that is greater than life."
Her eyes were black and white, and his shadow was reflected in the clear black pupils, only him.
He looked at her, his eyes deepening, and it took him a long time before he smiled lightly and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
She suddenly grinned: "I'm not talking about you, don't be too sentimental. I'm talking about Benjamin and Sahin."
The sun shines on her fair face, giving her a clean and clear beauty.  He was about to smile, but suddenly he reached out and pinched her face.

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