14. "Fuck you."

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" I'm telling you, Robin, he's about to come out." Louis said enthusiastically, walking by Robin's side, towards Zayn's office for the interview they both had together.

" Coming out of what exactly?" Robin responded, her tone humorous.

" The closet of course. Trust me, I can sense them, he's gay and he's just too scared to admit it. And who's better at easing up his tension than myself?"

" I'm pretty sure he's straight though." Louis rolled his eyes at that, scoffing, as if Robin couldn't possibly know what she was talking about.

" Why the hell would you think that?"

" Oh I don't know, because I actually listened to him the first ten times he told us?" Robin offered, with an amused giggle.

" He's lying, don't you see? He dyed his hair blonde for fucks sake, Robin, he's fucking gay!" He defensively responded, causing her to shake her head to herself, a knowing smirk taking over her features.

" Whatever floats your boat, love." She pecked his cheeks, standing in front of Zayn's office now.

" Hey, Niall!" She casually waved, rushing into the office, without any permission at all. Louis rested his elbows on Niall's desk, wiggling his perfectly plugged eyebrows suggestively.

" I'm not gay!" Niall screamed, but the amusement in his voice was undeniable.

" You keep telling yourself that." Louis winked, sending him an air kiss, before scurrying away. Niall shook his head to himself, chuckling slightly, before knocking on Zayn's door, hearing a rather aggressive "come in". Niall hesitantly walked into the office, Zayn's eyes softening at the not-so-irritating presence.

" Did Louis try to turn you gay again?" Robin joked, earning a chuckle from Niall, and a ghost of a smile from Zayn, who was back to being a cold, emotionless, bastard.

" Seems to be his life goal nowadays." Niall said, laughing along with Robin.

" Don't worry, we have a new male model coming in, in a few days, and he'll probably be too busy drooling over him to pay you much attention."

" I sure hope so, I'm having a serious sexuality crisis at the moment." Niall joked, and Robin's laughter intensified, her hands clapping slightly, her eyes completely closed in bliss, and Zayn tried, really, really, hard, to not grow infuriated by Niall's effortless humor.

Zayn couldn't make her laugh like that, and it bothered him.

" Is there a reason why you're here, Horan?" Zayn questioned, lifting his eyebrows at the stunned Niall.

" Oh, uhm, yeah, I wanted to tell you that the journalist is down there, coming up for the interview. And I also wanted to ask if you'd like anything to drink." Niall nervously said, his eyes shying away from Zayn's.

" I would like some coffee. Black. And nothing for her." Zayn pointed a finger towards Robin, focusing on his laptop. A minute or so later, he shifted his eyes to the still standing Niall.

" Anything else?" Zayn hissed, causing Niall to shake his head, practically running out of the office.

" Okay, back to being a dick I see." Robin said, resting her elbow on Zayn's desk, rolling her eyes in frustration.

" He's my employee, I shouldn't have to be nice to him." He shrugged nonchalantly, ignoring her name calling.

" Well, it wouldn't hurt for you to be. He's actually a decent human being, which is more than I can say about you."

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