Chapter eleven

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It's been two months now. Charlotte is trying her best to cope and go on with her life. James, on the other hand, is settling down on his own, preparing his place for himself. Perhaps being alone should do him well.
Charlotte looks nervously around her in the doctor's office, looking at the posters of body parts, then at the water machine that's in the corner.
"Here are the results of your blood tests," Doctor Parker says, entering the room. She closes the door behind her and goes to take a seat in front of Charlotte. "Your iron levels are all well, as well as your glucose levels. Now, I know we spoke about only getting certain tests done, but we are concerned about your health. We found the answer to your situation, but first, I need to ask you a few questions."
"Okay?" Charlotte sounds a little scared.
"The reason I'll be asking these questions is because I know you're divorced and reached a certain age of just stepping into another phase in your life," the doctor says and give her a serious look. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, but you need to tell me the truth."
"Sure," she nods.
"Are you seeing someone currently?"
"Like a therapist?" Charlotte asks. She doctor laughs and shakes her head. "Oh, like a lover? No."
"Okay, have you been in any sexual relationships lately?" She asks and smiles at her. Charlotte glares at her and rests her chin on her hand. "Did something happen to you?"
"Do I have an... uhmmm... STD?" Charlotte asks, scared. The doctor shakes her head and leans forward. "Then what is it?"
"You're pregnant," the doctor tells her. Charlotte grows pale in her face, looking horrified at the doctor. Her heart is beating incredibly fast, and for a second, she forgot to breathe. "Are you good?"
"Yes," she nods and grabs her mouth. "Yes. How? I should be waiting on grandkids. Instead of getting his wife pregnant, he got... so she was the one with the problem?"
The doctor laughs awkwardly at Charlotte, who places her hands on her face in embarrassment.
"Right, so my ex-husband and his wife are trying to have kids, but it turns out one of them has a problem. At least now I know it's not him," Charlotte says and sits back in her chair. She takes a second to think through it before looking at the doctor. "Doctor, is this a high-risk pregnancy?"
"If you come in for checkups on a regular basis, you should be fine," the doctor tells her. "I would recommend slowing down on the sex if it's possible."
"Oh, don't worry about that," she giggles and looks down at her stomach. She inhales deeply and let it out nervously. "Oh shit."

Nadine walks through her father's house, looking around. She smiles impressed and looks at her dad. He looks around as well, looking at his daughter.
"So, when are you going after mom?" She asks him.
"I'm planning on going this weekend," he replies. She nods her head slowly. When her phone rang, she took it out of her purse and looked at the screen. She waves the screen at her dad, seeing it's her mother phoning.
"Hello?" She answers the phone.
"Hi, sweetheart," her gentle voice came through. "Can I talk to you real quick?"
"Sure," she replies.
"I spoke to your sister and she said that she will see me when I come to you. Is it okay if I spend a night there?" Charlotte asks her.
"Of course!" Nadine says in excitement. James folds his arms and leans back against the table. "Is everything okay?"
"I need to talk to you guys about something," her voice comes through. "I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, okay?"
"Okay," she responds. "I love you."
"I love you too."
Nadine put her phone away and looked at her father. Filled with so much excitement, Nadine jumps up and grabs her dad's hand.
"Mom's coming tomorrow," she tells him. He looks impressed at her and starts laughing. There's such relief in him that's been hiding for a while now. "I'll let you know as soon as she's here, then you can come and fix things, okay? Make a dramatic entry and give her a big heartwarming speech."
"Okay," James laughs and folds his arms. "I wonder what she's going to do here?"
"All I know is that she needs to talk to me and Janet," Nadine says and inhales deeply. "I hope it's not something to do with her health or something we're not prepared for."

"You're pregnant?" Tammy asks Charlotte where they're seated in her kitchen. Tammy pushes her wine glass aside. Charlotte holds unto her cup of coffee, looking down awkwardly and then back at her. "So what now?"
"I'm going to my kids tomorrow to tell them," she tells her and breathes in nervously. "Who knows, maybe I'll get the guts to tell James. I just hope Emma will take this well."
"Stop thinking about what other people want," Tammy says, slamming her hand on the table. "James is your husband and the father of your children. This is your family, and if she has a problem and James doesn't do anything about it, then screw them both. I will help you raise this child!"
"James is actually a good dad and an amazing husband," Charlotte tells her and sits back in her chair. "Even to Emma. I wish you could meet him, Tammy."
"If he's that great, then I will," Tammy winks at her. Charlotte laughs and touches her stomach, looking down.
"Oh, I'm so scared," she whispers nervously and shakes her head slowly. "I nearly ruined his marriage by fooling around with him and now... their marriage might be in my hands. I'm a homewrecker."
"It takes two, you know," Tammy tells her. "You didn't pin him down and do him. He chose to sleep with you. This is created by both of you."
Charlotte nods her head slowly and smiles proudly at her friend.

The right timeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon